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Everything posted by MeowRawrLemon

  1. I'm trying to log on to your server but it tells me my client is outdated. Any Helpful Ideas?
  2. IGN: MeowRawrLemon Age: 19 Why would you like to join our community? I'd like to try out Hexxit. Have you read, and agree to all of our rules? I am. Do you know how to install the Hexxit Mod Pack? Yes.
  3. APPLICATION: IGN: MeowRawrLemon AGE: 19 LOCATION: U.S.A ARE YOU BANNED ON ANY OTHER SERVERS AND WHY?: I am not banned or have been banned as far as I know. WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN: I would like to play with new Mods. TELL ME A LITTLE ABOUT YOUR MINECRAFT EXPERIENCE: Started with Tekkit Classic. I have not played much Vanilla Minecraft besides PvP server that host games like "The Walls". WHATS YOUR FAVORITE THING TO DO IN MINECRAFT?: I'm not sure.
  4. When I try to connect to the server it says " Connection Lost - End of stream ". Is the server down for the moment?
  5. In game name:MeowRawrLemon Age:18 Time playing Tekkit-lite: Several months. Have you been banned: No. Why would you like to play on this server: I would like to play on this tekkit server because I have not been able to find a good server. The servers I have joined recently have close a day or so After I joined and it was time wasted.
  6. It says I'm not White listed. Maybe its the capitals. My IGN is MeowRawrLemon
  7. In Game Name: MeowRawrLemon Age:18 Why do you like to play Tekkit lite? Because it has the more recent version of Minecraft and Mods. Why this server? I would like to play in a smaller server where I can stay a while and build something without so much competition and grief.
  8. P.S Will there be updates on the server?
  9. IGN: MeowRawrLemon AGE:18 Favorite Mod (Just wondering): Redpower/EE Why you want to join: I would like to join a smaller community, that doesn't ban so many useful Items. A server where I can stay for a while and build something to be proud of.
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