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Everything posted by Zeruda

  1. IGN: Xeimos Age: 16 Timezone: PST How long have you been playing Tekkit: For a while, I'm not very sure as to how long.. Uhm. Ever since the crafting table that required no work was taken out. I'm not really sure. Sorry. How often will you be on the server: Weekends sometimes, and weekdays sometimes. Would you like to join the Teamspeak (Encouraged): Possibly. It depends on the community and such. Your http://whitelist.mcf.li link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/user/486b5e2093404da703b7af6f1e810799dc1800f4/Xeimos Why you received the bans (If Applicable): I recieved this ban (shown in the link) for, well, a misunderstanding. Though, the server owner is honestly, immature, so it's never gotten appealed. I was a Moderator on that server (very long story as to why) and I started up a little town that me and my friends could build in. I let my friends in, let them build for a while and such, then I had to leave for a while. I don't remember what I left for, grocery shopping or something along those lines? Anyways. I left, and whilst I was gone, they built statues of themselves, since it was a Creative server, and well, they built what they wanted to. Problem is, is one of them had on a Jesus skin, then what do you know. I come back, and I'm banned for building religious buildings, and abusing Moderator powers. I'm not sure why it's abusive Mod powers though. I didn't abuse my powers at all. I just created a town, if that's what they meant.
  2. IGN: Xeimos Age: 16 Have you ever been kicked / banned from a server and why?: I've been banned twice. Both a long time ago. The first ban, was on a server called cheesecraft. I started up a little village type thing, where people could build. The people who lived there, were my friends. There was one of them though, who had a Jesus skin. So, whilst I left to go to the store or something (I forget what I was doing) they decided to build statues of themselves. (It was a creative server) And what do you know, I come back to be banned for creating religious buildings. e.e Next ban, was on a roleplaying server a while back, where, well, I simply griefed. But, mind you, that was the only time I really.. griefed. That's in fact, the only time I remember doing so. I hate it so much, and I usually don't see reason to do it. Why do you like Tekkit? I like Tekkit because it's different. I mainly enjoy the EE portion of it to be able to get into the other mods. I enjoy it mainly though because I kinda have this feeling like "OoOoOohh. Look at what I can do! :3" What can you bring to the community? I can help people if need be, and well, be mature. I'm also pretty good at building (or so I've been told xD)
  3. Also, it would be a good server, but there's a huge fault. When you mine, you get nothing back. Say you find Iron. You destroy it with a pickaxe. You get nothing back. Same for stone. Same for everything. It's basically "Hey, let's trade everything." It's a bartering market. All this, because (according to a Mod) it's too intensive. Mining is too intensive.
  4. Uhm. Just a question here. Is this a Creative server, or Survival? Thanks in advance! Minecraft Username: Xeimos Age: 16 Have you ever been banned, if so, why?: I have been banned, actually. Twice I think? The first time was suchh a long time ago. It was on a server called cheesecraft. I was a Mod, and was accused of building religious buildings in my town, when my citizens did it. Then later on a RP server, where I got banned for.. griefing. Both of these were a long time ago though. What do you plan to do on the server: Survive, if it's survival. I plan to make my own little nice village.. :3 What is your previous experience with Tekkit: I've played Tekkit for a while now. I've been on several servers, owned my own server, and such. I've taught people how to play as well. And I've been a Mod on a Tekkit server once. I forget the name though.
  5. This server is pretty good. Minus the unbearable amount of lag I've had for the past half hour. Which caused me to lose a lot of progress. ._.
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