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Everything posted by Technaut

  1. Here are some playlists that should last longer then voltz for you. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3E245DF445E37F50 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE450FE833FA2B69E http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL31E85566E71354FD
  2. I don't seem to be able to connect, are you on launcher build 222?
  3. No its not biome specific. what i do is, enchant the best pick i can, hope to get fortune and unbreakable and dig a shaft down to 6-12.. then just dig tunnels and you will find loads of the stuff.
  4. not to worry, that post was quite a while ago, im not sure why it was happening. I was getting 15-20 stacks an hour in the MP world.
  5. Looks like the Yogscast copied our idea of a treaty..lol
  6. Axls have you decided whats happening yet? Another option would be to stay at the downgraded version.
  7. Just came back today to the bad news of the new update, how frustrating. A restart might be the best option if you don't believe these ID changes are a bug in the update. I hope everyone can give feedback asap so we can get back to our world. Server seems to be down at the moment, is this just until you decide whats happening or an unrelated issue?
  8. HI guys, so this is my first time messing around with MFFS. I have built a security storage unit and then noticed I needed to make a security station, I also have a blank card, so from here can anyone tell me how this works and what i need to do to set up access to only myself. So I also need to know if it is possible to pick it up once it has been placed down?
  9. "An honest man is always a child." Socrates

  10. MC Account Name: tech_dmw How long have you been playing Minecraft? Got it over a year ago, had stopped playing up until I heard of voltz when the Yogscast started playing. How long have you been playing Voltz/Universal Electricity? 1 week What would you say your skill/knowledge level is in Voltz? (beginner, fair, adept, etc) Lets just say id be lost without recipe mode. but i do enjoy building and the challenge Why do you want to play on the server? Like yourself i'm very laid back and don't enjoy playing on larger servers where there is inevitably going to be hackers and x-ray packs around What do you think you'd like to do if you are accepted? Id like to maybe team up with someone and try and build a LHC to help provide power to everyone, Kind of get a power grid up and running. "obviously plant nukes in there village fuse box as well though"
  11. PM sent
  12. Is it just me or is redstone a bit more rare these days? On my single player world i only found 2 stacks after maybe 2 hours of mining!! I though maybe it was just that world and where i was looking but tonight i was on a server for the first time and again only found a stack after 2 or 3 hours!! I was looking between levels 10-20. Anyone else notice this or i am gone mad? I must also say that i haven't played minecraft in 4 or 5 months, so maybe it is an update since then?
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