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cowpat's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Application form: What is your Minecraft username? killercowley How old are you? 17 In what country do you live? England Will we find a ban record of you on a banlist like for example mcbans.com? No...I don't think so at least. Have you read through the thread as you should to avoid unnecessary questions later? Yes. What is the command to claim a chunk? /chunk claim Do you accept our usage of Glizer and give us permission to use it? Yes.
  2. I can't reach the server. Is there maintenance or something going on?
  3. Hey guys. Do you mind if i join this server at some point (probably tomorrow)?
  4. Are you guys doing an update or something?
  5. I cannot connect to the server... Help?
  6. Little King's Story should have had wayyyyy more publicity. Awesome game. Also, monster hunter tri. It is big in japan, but not in europe.
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