In game name ashton0807
Age 20
Location Florida USA
Are you currently banned from any servers? Nope, I've been a mod on two.
Minecraft experience to date I've been playing minecraft for about three years and tekkit for about a year.
A short paragraph on why you would like to play on our server
I've been playing on an extremely large tekkit server recently and have grown tired of the insanely busy chat. Additionally I discovered today that they have a server reset every two to three months which really bothered me. I'm just looking for small server that my roommate and I can play tekkit on together. I liked the larger server I was on but I keep finding out things about it that I don't enjoy. I'm more than happy to fill out an application for the whitelist, as I've found that for the most part, whitelisted servers allow more of the mods than the nonwhitelist servers. I keep to myself for the most part, but am more than happy to help others with builds and receive help from others with my own as long as I know they won't grief me. I've been a mod for over a year on a vanilla server and its sister tekkit server, I ended up leaving it because I found out the owner had been pocketing donation money. That's not really relevant but when I tell people I've been a mod they usually ask why I'm not still a mod.