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Everything posted by t1m3l3ss

  1. its not in .minecraft its .techniclauncher/tekkit/config/NEI.cfg just play a little with the variables and one time there will be a setup that is right.. If it gives you just the same item all the time then you shwitched quantity with itemid
  2. Obviously something IS blocking that port, else it would work. Or, like mentioned above, your firewall/router blocks the output. http://portforward.com/ could help, also when you use hamachi. It almost can't be anything else. If you really dont know what it is, then well, perhaps is a trojan holding up this port Really, what else should it be. Can't imagine anything else.
  3. Alright this was that kind of statement i was looking for. Thought it wouldn't affect buildcraft, just like it doesnt affect redstone. Thanks anyway :)
  4. if you try to run unmodified tekkit just delete the tekkit folder in %appdata%\.techniclauncher and youre fine.
  5. java -Xmx3G -Xms5G -jar Tekkit.jar nogui pause easy as that
  6. They have the permission from the mod's developers to port them to craftbukkit, since the mod devs just output vanilla versions. Without those, tekkit wont be possible or a hell of a work to bring them to bukkit
  7. Well i do the step and just give it a try with build #79 Will respond if it works EDIT: Indeed it does work, BUT obviously it has problems with Eloraams Volcanoes (, just like many of us do still hope I ever see a specific own modfile for those... But seems I never will, like she sounds ) And it has problems with the lighting, but this is a thing that already mentioned on the Main Thread of cb++ -> http://forums.spout.org/threads/craftbukkit.938/
  8. Hi there. Since MCPortCentral has included CB++ on their 1.2.3 thread, I would like to know if you could also include it in the next release. I didnt know it until now, but it looks quite promising, especially for large servers. OR I didnt look inside the cb++ jarfile but could it be that all the class files are only updated? I mean if there's no one that has been deleted or even newly created from the original cb. Because if so, i could just overwrite Tekkit.jar with the cb++ jar. (Of course the 1.1 one) Do you think it's possible? Because i think CB++ is a great enhancement, and, if you dont want the features that it brings to you, you could just turn them off. Sorry for the (hopefully not THAT) bad grammar. My last english lessons are quite a few years ago ;)
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