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Michael Blomli

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Everything posted by Michael Blomli

  1. http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/forgecraft-25-nonofficial.193830 Download techinc pack, and put it on beta mode. Then install the modpack using this link: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/forgecraft-25-nonofficial Welcome!
  2. The modpack isnt working, it's crashing on startup..
  3. Info: A brand new survival, no donations for gear or items so its fair for everyone, and with custom modpacks. Its 1.6.4 with alot of the mods Direwolf20 plays with in the new series. The server is in norway, so its ideal for west europe. This is a brand new server starting up, so there is fixes to be done with the server but bare with us and i think you will have a great minecraft adventure. Mods: BiomesOPlenty EnderStorage Extra-Bees Forestery Factorization GravityGun industrialcraft ModularPowersuits PortalGun Railcraft StevesCarts2 TConstructs ThaumCraft4 ThaumicTinkerer 2 TwilightForest And much moore Server Info: Serverip: Minecraft Version: 1.6.4 Bukkit version: MCPC+ 1.6.4 Slots: 20 (Just to get things started) Pack Link: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/forgecraft-25-nonofficial Rules: We expect everyone to follow the rules, excessive rule breaking will get you banned, we are trying to establish a mature and friendly server. Please respect this. 1. Respect other players and staff 2. No Griefing, this includes griefing unclaimed land. 3. Do not bully or verbally harass anyone. 4. Do not create any offensive builds. 5. No advertising. 6. No hacked clients. 7. No Xray Mods/Texture packs, you will get caught! 8. Do not ask for items. 9. Do not ask for power/op. Earn it! Do you want in on the fun? Application: Name: Age: (You need to be atleast 16+) Ingame name: What country are you from: Why should you get to join this server?: HINT! It's an nowhitelist server, but when you join for first time you will only be a builder with very few commands. And only ppl with application will get to stay,
  4. IGN: mblom122 Age: 26 Location: Norway Are you more the 'build and create' or 'hunt and explore' type of player? I am both, and this seems to be a nice server
  5. What is your Minecraft username? mblom122 How old are you? 26 In what country do you live? Norway Will we find a ban record of you on a banlist like for example mcbans.com? No Have you read through the thread as you should to avoid unnecessary questions later? Yes What is the command to claim a chunk? /chunk claim
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