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About Sayshal

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Grass (2/9)



  1. Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply, I managed to get it working! :)
  2. Since Big Dig doesn't have a bug report form/forum, I'll post here. I'm not sure why, or what's happening, but I'm simply mining stone and this error happens every few hours: http://pastebin.com/MFCepPeC Any help is lovely.
  3. Hey, sorry to be nooby again, but can anyone point me in the right direction as to setting up MCPC+ with Big Dig? I tried this guide (adapted for Big Dig): http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/mcpc-bukkit-plugins-on-tekkit-lite.36732/ To no avail, recieving this error: http://pastie.org/7958656 Any help is muchly appreciated.
  4. Because if you run BukkitForge, and restart the server, it breaks it entirely?
  5. I fixed it by deleted the entire world/DimensionalDoors folder.
  6. Been running fine with BukkitForge since 1.0.6 came out, restarted server today and I'm getting this error: http://pastie.org/7931059 I'll post on BukkitForge as well but I don't see how it could be them considering it was working yesterday just fine. Any help is appreciated.
  7. I'm pretty good with Java, terrible with anything MC-related as I haven't even tried much. I just think it'd be cool to be able to auto-snapshot all the items. IDK why, lol.
  8. Hey, here comes the first noob-question. Is there an easy way to apply this to the technicpack? I'd like a 256x256 PNG of all the Tekkit-related items but simply dropping it in the /tekkitmain/mods folder didn't seem to work. Sorry for disrupting your thread. D: Nevermind, Tekkit update removed the JAR! Thank's for this, really love this kind of stuff. Would it be hard to add the option to download an image of a) All items all items in inventory Love it.
  9. Thanks, and sorry.
  10. I am looking for several people who wish to join a team with me in order to re-create an amazing story inside of MineCraft. This story with follow a somewhat strict RPG-LOTR-esque story-line, with many static characters/bosses played by respected members etc. Who do we need? Documentation: We're looking for 2-4 people who are willing to document the events on the server, as well as work with our roleplay-writers to provide a Wiki for this specific server (must have better than-average grammar) Lore Supervisor/Writer: We need seriously-dedicated, hard-working, and brilliant-minded people to help us write a legitimate, MineCraft-possible story line that will embrace the users in an absolutely gripping fashion. (Note: Supervisor role is basically "Chief Editor", will be responsible for submitting drafts to me) Role-Play Handler/Designer: We're looking for someone who knows Minecraft on a level similar to mine, someone who can help myself and the Lore Writers to connect fiction, to something Minecraft can actually do. Map Designer: We're looking for 3-5 people to actually build the world! This won't happen until the lore & RP-Handling is complete, as it will outline a very vivid image of what the Minecraft world should represent. (Note: Must be able to learn/work with VoxelSniper & WorldEdit) Alpha/Beta Tester: We're also looking for testers! With this team in mind, we still need community guidance to give the Minecraft world what they so very much crave, so sign up for Alpha & Beta testing! (Note: Alpha testing won't happen until Map Design is roughly 60% complete, Beta testing won't happen until Map Design is 100% complete.) Anyone is welcome to help, and you're allowed to signup for any of these, including more than one job! Click here to begin the process of applying!
  11. Anybody want to start a rather massive (16 city) region with me? IDC what server, let me know your Origin username and I'll add you.
  12. Give some info about what's it's about? Lol
  13. Hey guys, I'm looking for anybody who knows some basic animation skills. All I need is for someone to take a pre-existing image, and make 4 objects in that image move counter clockwise at the same speed, around a centered object. I drew a funny diagram to represent what I need: I need the four diamonds to rotate in sync around the star, counter clockwise. I've already made the image, if you can help me please let me know. PS. I need it to be on a loop, so it spins endlessly, and the background NEEDS to stay transparent so I can put a video behind the animation. PM me or reply here if you can help me, thanks a lot!
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