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Everything posted by wylker

  1. After a long hiatus I'm back with a new LP series. For those of you who don't know me (most of you) I do videos of modded minecraft. Right now I'm doing a solo playthrough of Regrowth, but I have several other series recorded if you want more tech-heavy videos. Some interesting facts about my videos: -My videos are basically rated PG, so are safe for the whole family!!!! -Studies have shown that watching my videos increases your intelligence and appeal to the opposite sex -Sometimes I talk to 6 year olds during filming -I have been known to completely forget what I am doing -There is a secret map hidden in the videos that leads to huge prizes -At least one of the above facts is slightly exaggerated And here's some stuff:
  2. Episode 3 posted.
  3. and also episodes 19-24 (I suck at updating this thread)
  4. Hey guys, I'm adding a parallel LP to my modded minecraft series that is all about multi-player hexxit. I've invited 10 or so people to play on the server and the first episode was a blast! Episode 1 was just me getting a feel for the mod, and then episode 2 is a map reset with all the new folks. I'll try to post regular episodes of this on Wednesday and Friday. Episode 3: Episode 2: Episode 1:
  5. Episodes 14-17 (sorry I've been out of town)
  6. Hi guys, I am real bad at posting updates when I make new vids but I'm about 12 videos into a new map so thought I'd toss up a thread. I can't promise to stay on top of the thread so if you want to talk to me you can find me in #technic on irc.synirc.net or in #Wylkervids on irc.esper.net Episode 24: Episode 23: Episode 22: Episode 21: Episode 20: Episode 19: Episode 18: Episode 17: Episode 16: Episode 15: Episode 14: Episode 13: Episode 12: Episode 11: Episode 10: Episode 9: Episode 8: Episode 7: Episode 6: Episode 5: Episode 4: Episode 3: Episode 2: Episode 1:
  7. I have installed about 10 times and changed folders every time and not had this issue. I tried to reproduce it and could not.
  8. If it helps, instmods are just jarmods. You can build them into a pack by combining them all into a single mod called modpack.jar and placing it in the ./bin folder of the pack zip.
  9. A little late, but 12-14 are up!
  10. No one should be including a minecraft.jar in their packs. There is no reason to do so and if they are then THEY are responsible for distributing it and it has nothing to do with Technic.
  11. This is a useful error report thank you.
  12. New ep 10 is up
  13. Hi there, I've created a series of Let's Play Minecraft Videos. I also do some spotlights. Some of them are sorta crap, but people seem to like some of them. Please enjoy (or don't)! Episode 1: Episode 2: Episode 3: Episode 4: Episode 5: Episode 6: Episode 7: Episode 8: Episode 9: Episode 10: Episode 11: Episode 12: Episode 13: Episode 14: Episode 15: More to come of course. Feel free to leave comments or feedback as both are appreciated. You can find my mod spotlights here:
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