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Posts posted by Daemon_Eleuel

  1. Really i haven't found any trouble with quartz I have 1 quarry 64x64 going and so far I never run out my ac is 6 and 6 I'm almost all auto setup far as processing goes ore gets run through pulverized the smelted and It just gets re pulverized on demand if the system needs dust for things

    I have pretty much the same setup and I'm now fine, but at first it was a bottleneck.

    I noticed especially when crafting the 64k disks as those do use a lot of quartz.

  2. Well, I used only AE to sort logistics and I have now 6 64k drives and about 25 ME drive containers, plus 10 or so deep storage units.

    Considering just the amount of export/import buses I had to make it used up a lot of quartz.

    Ah, and the ME assembly chamber was quite expensive too (20x5x4).

  3. I can tell that it's possible to set the input/output with a wrench, but I found out it gives more problems than it solves.

    Personally I only use liquiducts for the biofuel and sewage and all I did was just put the liquiducts in place.

    Wrenching them changes the input-output, but since most machines will not accept input/output on the same side it doesn't really matter.

  4. Uhmmm, if I may share my opinion, from the point of view of someone that's pretty much new to tekkit main, I get these 2 feelings in the general "vibe" of the mod:

    -Tekkit classic/lite is steampunk industry

    -Tekkit main is modern industry

    When I first started using main (mainly because I did think EE2 made things waaaaay too simple) I didn't really expect much and I knew I was going to open a whole new can of worm, now I am extremely glad I did so.

    I moved from buildcraft pipes to conveyors and ME cables, created my ME network, started using power armors instead of nano/quantum (and yes, power armor may give the same abilities of nano/quantum, but it's more difficult to put togheter and you can still disable what you don't like and customize it, on top of being VERY expensive to make).

    I mean, I could automate pretty much everything in classic and it was even easier.

    But in main it's more... stylish.

    Like, using the EE condenser or a molecular assembler leads to pretty much the same result, but damn, the setup and logistics needed to use the ME network and make the assembler work are much more fun and satisfying.

    Personally I think that main has taken away a lot of stuff, but it was the only way to be able to put MORE stuff in it and have a release that could actually grow with time.

    I mean, seriously, try mystcraft O_O

    Just mystcraft is awesome!

  5. Ok, I've been able to work around it and found a solution for pretty much everything.

    The only problem left with the ME network is that I cannot "sort" things to destroy them (the only way I found to do that is to output them to a chest and then a void pipe with a redstone engine as the ME condenser is not in tekkit yet it seems).

    As now I have a molecular assembler my main issue was that using export buses to craft was a bit slow, so what I did is have a set of dedicated machines.

    For example, as I needed a fair amount of certus quartz dust I created a pulverizer connected to the ME network inputting certus quart one side and connected a me storage on the output side.

    Differently from having a me export bus this allows the pulverizing to stop when the outpus side of the pulverizer is full (so not using all my certus crystals) while keeping a sizeable buffer to create for example fluix dust when needed. It is possible to do so by using the export bus in crafting mode, but it tends to be slow for my needs since the pulverizing is done exactly on demand.

    As for storing large amounts of specific materials (see cobblestone) I used a series of deep storage units connected to the network with a ME storage bus.

    When the amount of cobblestone goes over a

  6. I wouldn't be so harsh honestly.

    I know that since yogscast started the forum has been flooded with 10 years old asking things in caps and l33t speak, demanding answers to questions they didn't even formulate and that's bound to get on one's nerves.

    Still, I consider being harsh or blunt fine within a limit and that is personal offenses.

  7. I didn't put you in ignore actually, mostly because the forum just shows "hey, here is this post, just with no text".

    Also, you do post useful information pretty much all the time so not reading it would be stupid (and may lead to asking something YOU have already answered).

    It's just a personal feeling and I felt like I needed to voice it (my bad there I would say), it's just that you really seem unnecessary hostile all the time, ain't no good for your karma man :|

    No, I just like to have fun with people.

    What next? Give prozac to depressed people so they can overdose?

    Or you have some kind of magic spell that can tell you whom you're answering to?

    I'm not even English or American so English is not my first language, I just can't stand how written language in general ends up being a mess of kkthxbay, lol and other shorthands just out of pure laziness from the writer.

    Anyway the needless hostility things seems to be pretty much the "vibe" of the forum in general, so I'll just shut up :|

  8. I am pretty sure technic runs as a java process and the launcher shuts down when you start minecraft.

    if you allocate 6 gigs out of 8 to the process java will get messy, you're better off using 2-3 gigs (even less) and eventually check the permgenspace in tekkit options.

    using laptops is not as bad as it used to be and the only thing that's actually slower is the hdd (unless it's a SSD). the rest is pretty much in-line with a standard desktop computer.

    The gpu is definitely weak but if you try a new world it shouldn't give you much trouble.

  9. why he's 100% right ignore him if you want but most others have similar feeling regarding mis posting in the wrong forum its not rocket science to figure out that this isnt hexxit its tekkit and your problem exists in hexxit there fore you should post about the problem there not here

    just use your head and you wont need to ignore him simple

    I understand perfectly the problem of posting in the wrong forum, not reading guides and available sources and, basically, not even trying to solve your own problem before asking.

    Still, I just think calling people names is going a bit too far, if not interested in giving an answer don't answer, if you want to give an answer and teach a lesson just say "post in the right forum and I'll answer".

    Is it really necessary to call people idiots for something so petty?

    You're being more annoying than him. He's being useful, and your just being insulting.

    • No, I am just annoyed by unpoliteness
    • You are or You're

  10. Hallow everyone.

    I did search the forum/wiki and some other sources but couldn't find an answer to my question.

    When I have scraps (as in, items I don't need anymore and I want to get rid of automatically), where do I throw them?

    Please note my constraints:

    -No void pipes (I only want to use ME because... because yes :ยง)

    -No "just throw them in lava"

    Normally I used a recycler in IC but cannot find anything similar in main.

    Any hint? did I miss anything?

  11. I feel your pain :)

    If you're starting tekkit main:


    I can tell you what you need first but I don't know all the options as I just started main myself, I am sure some of the more experienced players will correct me eventually :)

    The start up is not much different from Vanilla minecraft, just bear in mind that you should try and smelt as little as possible until you get a pulverizer (this effectively doubles the amount of ingots you get from your ores).

    All the machines in tekkit main work with MJ energy, this can be transported with Buildcraft pipes or redstone conduits.

    Buildcraft pipes in general are a good "startup" solution but you should change them at a later time with liquiducts/redstone conduits/logistic pipes or ME bus.

    The last powerhouse of power generation is a biofuel generator, but it requires considerable effort and resources to setup.

    Your first option would be the stirling engine. Pay attention to these as the BLOW UP if they are working and there is no energy consumption. A redstone signal will turn them on/off.

    From there personally I tried steam/magmatic engines. I heard wonders about combustion but after a bit of messing around I just fixed a cactus-based small biofuel reactor until I get all the rest sorted as it works properly unattended, doesn't blow up and generates a considerable amount of power anyway.

    When you get to this point there are a lot of interesting things you can do and you should have your base set up.

    What you'll need in it really depends on you, you can find the most common/interesting options here:



    I also recommend you to suit up with one of these:


    Post if you have any particular question, I hope I didn't jump back and forth too much with topics :P

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