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About Thecarrybag

  • Birthday 05/04/1999

Thecarrybag's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Minecraft username: thecarrybag Why you want to play on this server: I want to participate in role play and this seems to have a good community How you found this server: I found this server looking for a server to play on Have you been banned from other servers, if so why?: no, I have never been banned How well do you know the mods?: I know most of them really well How often do you play?: usually a lot on the week ends Why do you feel you should be accepted?: I feel I can be a big help to the team and to the community I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them: yes, I know I will get banned for breaking the rules
  2. How do you get Java 1.6 in the first place?
  3. IGN: thecarrybag Age: 14 Location:USA I like to build and create but also hunt and explore players as well as mobs. I would love to play on this server!
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