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Doctor Radiation

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Everything posted by Doctor Radiation

  1. Making a Nuclear Powerplant

  2. IGN: combinebuster Character Name: Dr. Isaac Alkins Character Age: 45 Character Sex: Male Real Age:15 Real sex: Male Backstory: Dr Isaac was send to the island to discover the source of the infection, He had no idea where he should go so he just wandered off, Everything went well until it got night. The creatures started walking out of the caves in great numbers, Isaac started running a few creatures followed him into the endless forest, after a while they started losing interest and walked off, Isaac was happy so he continued on, he did mind anything around him, it was still dark and Isaac wasn't really alert until he saw a Green blurry creature walked up to him and started Hissing, Isaac was shocked of the Green figure he just stood there looking at it coming closer until it exploded and Isaac was shot at a nearby tree, unconcious, after the happening Isaac has partial amnesia, he didn't know where he came from or why he is on this Mysterious island, but he never forgot his skills and Professions. until this day Isaac has made a Research Encampment in the middle of a forest, all alone.. testing on the creatures.
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