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Everything posted by grrxmaster

  1. Closing thread, someone solved the problem. There was an issue with Modular Powersuits and Mekanism.
  2. That's great man! Thanks! I'm ok with no modular powersuits. I'd like to have mekanism, but if it isn't going to work, then it isn't going to work. And, I suppose I'll upload it. Thanks again!
  3. After messing about trying to make a custom modpack, I've almost got it (I believe). Unfortunately, now when I attempt to launch the modpack, it appears to unpack the mods, and forge initializes, but after the Mojang screen flashes the screen merely becomes a gray screen, with no error messages. Any help with this would be lovely. I'll add some links. Modpack: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/41610332/GrrxPack.zip Technic Platform: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/grrxpack
  4. I'd love for just some help with the modpack I'm trying to make. As far as I can tell I've done it right, however, when I go to launch it, after the mojang screen, a gray screen comes up, and it will not load further. Here's the link to my modpack on dropbox: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/41610332/GrrxPack.zip
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