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Everything posted by TheEpicModPack

  1. Welcome to the TerrorCraft server thread! Introduction: TerrorCraft is the most innovative, immersive, and custom minecraft horror server ever created. To put it quite simply, there is no other server like this out there right now. Think of silent hill, meets doom, meets minecraft. You can explore mysterious places, do quests, find treasures, fight monsters, shoot stuff, or just go build a house somewhere like normal minecraft. This server features a large, interactive world that is designed like the world in any horror video game. As you progress through the story, you will find harder monsters, better gear, and more challenging quests. The server has custom music and textures, and uses the mods and plugins to create an interesting world with plenty to do. Are you ready for a truly unique Minecraft experience? Come play terrorCraft, and unravel the mysteries of this dark new world! How to join the server: Videos(NEW!): Screenshots: Mod/music/textures:
  2. So, I am trying to set my mod pack up with the Technic Platform, any I have everything working... except for the fact that for whatever reason, Lockit simply will not work with the launcher. I suspect that the fact that it is a coremod with a library that goes in the mods folder may be the reason for this, as it is an unusual format. Has anyone else gotten Lockit working with the platform? It is the most important mod for my server, so I cannot simply exclude it, but it just wont work at all. Possibly something for the Technic team to look into, as I think this may just be a matter of incompatibility. The specific issue is that whenever I launch the game, it says that forge cannot run in its current configuration. If I take Lockit out, everything runs normally. I just can't understand why only this one mod is giving me problems, and I am not aware of any similar mod for area protection that I can replace it with.
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