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Everything posted by Reterg

  1. Thanks Richy I am working on adding some more perks to the shop too. Just need to find the time. I am always so busy
  2. Hey guys. I have added some new individual donation perks. Low cost. Only been up a day and already fairly popular
  3. Thanks guys I hope to continue to improve it.
  4. It's OK I got it. But which version of lwjgl to download?
  5. Where are the lwjgl libraries supposed to go?
  6. Same problem here and I am NOT using the beta launcher. Even removing tekkit and letting all the mods re-download doesn't fix the issue.
  7. Join: tekkit.thelandofdragons.com OR Teamspeak3: thelandofdragons.enjinvoice.com Website: www.thelandofdragons.com At The Land of Dragons, we strive to create the most interactive and well presented server for our community. We have an extremely dedicated Staff team who accept nothing but sheer quality for both our server and in game experience. With a very complex economy and one of the most in depth multi-tier ranking systems you wont find yourself bored on this server. We have 5 Classes, MAGIC, POWER,CONSTRUCTION, PRODUCTION and COMBAT. Each class contains 4 ranks. Once completing a class you will have access to our Elite rank. There are multiple worlds including Rich, Shops, Nether, End, Arena, Build and Spawn. Our server performance is well above any normal Tekkit server, we have certain items limited and restricted to higher ranks to control server lag and create the smoothest game play available. All Tekkit mods are enabled on The Land of Dragons however we have banned several items from various mods in order to keep a stable server and balanced playing field (banned items are listed at the end of this post). We have attempted to ban as few items as possible by modifying our Bukkit API to include EE items, nerfing several OP items such as the Catalytic Lens and disabling item dupes in RM furnaces, Transmutation Tablets etc. We do not tolerate cheating or hacks and also use several plugins to prevent such things as grief and combat logging. In addition to the Tekkit mods we also run several other plugins to create a unique and enjoyable gameplay. These include Multiverse, Towny, MCJobs, Mob Bounty, MCMMO, Catacombs, Mob Arena and Chestshop to enhance your gaming experience; Logblock is used by staff for any grief rollbacks and Towny can be used to protect yourself from grief. Be sure to check it out. Rules Respect other players Don't argue with staff No Racism or prejudice No obscene language No handing out spawned or items or /kits or selling them for profit No Xray mods or textures No cheating or hacks No spamming chat NO CAPS No advertising other servers The Land of Dragons is hosted in the US and can support up to 100 players. Server specifications: E3-1270 v2 16gb DDR3 Memory (5gb dedicated to the tekkit classic server) 500 GB HDD 1 Gbps up-link speed to beat that lag. Banned Items Banned due to their potential to bypass grief protections, lag/damage the server or simply create unbalanced gameplay: Abyss Helmet Infernal Armour Mercurial Eye Evertide Amulet Volcanite Amulet Ring Of Ignition Ring of Arcana Computer Watch Of Flowing Time Dimensional Anchor World Anchor Anchor Cart Teleport Tether Banned due to item duping: Duplicator Black Hole Band Void Ring More Screenshots
  8. Notice the bottom section of your neiserver.cfg file where it says "#List of players who can use these features." They are all set to OP, which means that only OPs can use those features. That is also why you could not see the magnet or delete icon when you were not OP. Add your friends player name to the item field and he should be able to use that feature. I'm not sure if clearing the field would make it so that it would work based on permissions or not. I am pretty sure that not having the NEI mod on the server makes it so that it is based on the servers permissions rather than the NEI mod config controling who can use it. That way it forces the users client to use the /i or /give command rather than the server mod controlling it.
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