He probably has a recent 10.8 Mac OS X. With Java 7.
Found a workaround to the problem. Have a backup of the Library/Application Support/techniclauncher/tekkitlite (or whatever)/bin libs (jinput.jar, lwgl*.jar, natives/*) of a pre-friday install somewhere (I made a working.tar archive). Create a shell script that restores the archive. Launch the Technic Launcher, start playing. The launcher replaces the libs, then prompts you. While it prompts you, restore all the libs using your script, then click "No". Play "normally".
You do have to do this every time you want to play, since the launcher can't be told not to update, so it will attempt to "upgrade you" to its java 7 environment without checking if you have, in fact, java 7.
If you don't have backups (pre-time machine), then use the libs from a standard minecraft client install (Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin), since the official Mojang client has not jumped the gun yet.