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Everything posted by Tree7

  1. Your server is hacked again by mracer, treeyoyo and decorma. I do have screenshot proof but can't insert them again.

    Can't belive it is my 3rd time i help a server owner build spawn and it gets all blown up -.-

  2. The server is down and i think it was a because my friend that checked out a dimension door in the desert. Can you fix the problem smurfinater23? (Problem Fixed)
  3. sam_brown87 said he can help me with something. And i accepted the tp then he brought another player named (sniper "something") and started killing my friend and spawn camping my house and it was protected!!. I have screenshot proof but i can't insert the screenshots for some reason Plz ban these players (Problem fixed)
  4. Did you bought a premium account at minecraft.net?
  5. There is a new modpack just came out some minutes ago that is called "Tekkit" and seems awesome i would like this server to switch to the new modpack
  6. Aumm... When are you gonna setup the server? I'm bored D:
  7. Might not be a good idea switching to big dig mod pack because i heard that someone setup a big dig server and it lags horrible by so many mods so tekkit lite might be the next mod pack switch
  8. Hi and i just signed up to technic forums. I'd really enjoy if you switch to Tekkit Lite because it now haves 74 mods and it's 1.4.7 Or you could just switch to vanilla minecraft 1.5.1
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