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About Tankhobo

  • Birthday 11/07/1993

Tankhobo's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: Tankhobo Age: Does it matter? If it does reply to this saying so and i will edit it. Skype: Tankhobo Why You? i like the idea of whitlisted servers and getting to know the people on them, i am planning to do a youtube series on a AOTBT server, but have not found one yet. :]
  2. IGN (In game name) Tankhobo Reason you want to join: I want to have fun and play some attack of the bteam Age (Optional):Secret! Favorite Mod:OpenBlocks Favorite thing to do in Minecraft:Build cool bases, and have the best stuff Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining):No Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis):7
  3. IGN: Tankhobo Favorite Mod: OpenBlocks Play Style: Exploring and building cool bases. Mod Knowledge: I play alot of tekkit and have watched youtubers and have learned about things with attack of the bteam.
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