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Everything posted by Rapidresponder09

  1. My Ign: Rapidresponder09 I would like to join the server because it seems nice I would like to try out the new mods with other people who don't just steal kill and greif. Also because the community seems small so that it won't be greifed land and be overly hard to find a build spot I could be a nice guy who helps out when he can but might not always be able too but will try anyway
  2. I want to download the modpack but when I start downloading I get a Dropbox error
  3. I keep getting and error with the dropbox its www.dropbox.com/s/pc9sr21opfvzo3z/MaxTech.zip
  4. I'm 13 and I have lots of tekkit experience and I love to help others. I also am good at redstone and like to build large machines. I just hope you accept this its not much but I think you will like me more when I join. My ign is Rapidresponder09 I would also love to learn the new mods in this pack What is the exact name of the pack?
  5. how do I get whitelisted? im 17 im really good at tekkit I dont greif or raid either.
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