As we all know, quantum suit is the best armour in Technic/Tekkit. With your dozen mass fabricators being powered by your two hundred and fourteen HV solar arrays, you can pretty comfortably run around smacking less-armed players to oblivion while casually bathing in lava. It is incredibly OP, and for those who don't have the resources, they're pretty much defenceless... for now.
I propose a new block, that when a redstone signal is applied to it, will slowly drain energy from any IC2 items within its vicinity. I say slowly, as that gives the quantum suitor to have some chance of noticing that their item's power is dissipating, and get the royal fuck out of there. the blocks themselves, will absorb energy based on whether it's a LV, MV or HV drainer, and would have an efficiency of, say, 70%.
On the other end, have a block that can remotely charge your items and your quantum suitings. This I'm sure will balance out the workings of SMP, or maybe at least have some more shenanigans as far as adventure maps go.