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Everything posted by Isigiel

  1. Okay okay okay Just wanted to help him... And I meant free for modpacks;)
  2. Brosia, maybe just choose a modpack from the platform that fits your needs? There are many good packs of there :D
  3. Will it be open for modpacks? And as you are doing this you may also program a free version of thaumcraft And when you get problems with the mcf I would love to offer you free file hosting and a forum on my server if you want:D
  4. Please don't make it require thaumcraft, this would mean no modpack (except ftb and amco) could use it:(
  5. Gald to hear this helped, but I don't know enough to help you with your error, I can only recommend to get a fresh server version and try to reproduce the crash and then post it to the big dig discussion
  6. Just download the actual Server and replace your old one with it
  7. I don't use Linux bi I'll try to help 1. Open the console 2. Type: cd [your server directory] 3. Type: java bigdig.jar (or whatever your server is called) I hope this helped:D
  8. Maybe I did, but it seemed to work. I reinstalled solder and now everything is fine.
  9. Same Issue over here. Downloaded md5: caf041841ab0965572c474fc2ef8c7d7 Solder md5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e [EDIT]Now it hashes every mod with the above key.
  10. I'm having some strange issues with my solder modpacks. http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/test-awesonium It always says "URL":null how can I fix this?
  11. Such wenn du wenig English kannst, solltest du doch verstehen dass hier der falsche Platz ist um um likes zu betteln. Schau dir bitte die Regeln an: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/this-is-not-where-you-post-your-packs-or-servers-click-here.39850/
  12. Cool man ... I'll post it on my support Thread, if this is okay for you. Thanks for your effort.
  13. Why not, it was hard for me, so I want to help others ...
  14. Hey, every time when I try to add a solder pack to the platform, it tells me that this pack already exists. But when I try to add it without using solder, it works. How can I fix this?
  15. This is not the place to advertise your modpack, http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/this-is-not-where-you-post-your-packs-or-servers-click-here.39850/
  16. Hi, as the technic team doesnt provide support for the solder api, I want to try my best helping you unoficially. So post your problems and I hope the community solves them. First great Tutorail by Plokami666: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/lamp-solder-installation.43471/
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