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About agelian

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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  1. Hi I am having problems with technic I have tried to join it crashes straight back to the launcher page. I redownloaded the launcher redownloaded Java reclogged went the mudpack and launcher options and I cant find anything so if u could plz help me that would be create thank you.

  2. Im having difficulties with Tekkit Classic, hmu with a message because im stuck and have no clue what to do. Thanks


  3. administrador ta ai?

  4. I'm seeing a lot of renegade points racking up on you...

  5. Agelian was that three-headed puking cow, right?

    I didn't recognize you with that new avatar.

  6. dont be mean

    1. Torezu


      agelian's a site admin, so I think he can defend himself just fine. Nevertheless, I'm happy to drop the banhammer preemptively.

  7. if you bothered to search the major minor error you would see loads of posts explaining that you are using the older version of java.
  8. And we will tell you the same thing.. go and pirate it.. but dont expect to get it here just like you wont ever see it distributed at mojang,
  9. A little google search and lo and behold theres an interesting site with a cleanup tool for .net http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/is/vbgeneral/thread/c88a7e64-219b-4303-bd52-bccc7dc4c7c5 see how you go with the updated cleaner the give further down
  10. Well .net has not installed properly if your getting that error. you might want to try uninstall any previous version first. also it only need .net 2.0 to run it doesn't use any of the fancy stuff in the newer versions. Plus you might not want to bump your thread otherwise your likely to get kellered or banned.
  11. We definitely don't use CDN's that's asking for a certain level of service that you end up paying for. We are managing everything so far and we can definitely handle much larger loads than we currently have... we are looking into ways to support it all (such as a potential week's trial of an ad in the launcher) but at this time we do not need donations and prefer that it all goes to the modder's that make the mod-packs and the launcher possible and popular.
  12. Just to give you a little idea of where it stands the last 11 days has used 5TB of bandwidth.. So you kids must be happily technicing, tekkiting and yogboxing away!
  13. Spout plugins do NOT work with technic, tekkit or yogbox atm. We use spoutcraft's launcher, not the spout client itself. Technically the spout client could be added to our launcher but there too many issues with keeping it up-to-date with spout's launcher. If you were to manually put spouts client in one of the modpack folder it should work.. but thats totally unsupported.
  14. it might be better idea to manually select your build.. that way you dont get caught out with potentially buggy latest dev build.. you can always try manually update to latest to test.. but thanks for the feedback will try and take a look and see whats happening.
  15. ========================================================================== IGN (InGameName): Cheapshotte Age: 19 Skype: Can do Can Host Server: I have the pawnage server Mic: I have 2 Experienced Minecraft or Technic Player: I draw the graphics for that!! A few reasons why I should choose you: Cause I draw the creepers with the tools in teh butts What area for instance Australia: CamelCase ==========================================================================
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