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Everything posted by extremedonkey

  1. If you get realllly really stuck you could always cheat and /give yourself the items, we had 2 of us stuck on the moon. If you mouseover the item in Not Enough Items in your inventory it will display the ID. If the ID is something like 502:3 I think you type /give playername 502 99 3 where 3 is the number behind the colon and 99 is 99 of whatever the item is. (I don't like to cheat but desperate times call for desperate measures).
  2. I have hundreds of history entries over the last few days, it would be quite a task to sift through them all. You are probably right and it is another forum - would still be better to sticky a simple thread saying: - IC2 is not in the latest release of Tekkit as it has not been updated since Minecraft version x, use Tekkit Lite if you want to use IC2. Simple -- and would prevent the billions of IC2 posts you seem to be plagued with. Honestly, I found my way here through Google because I just want my fucking spaceship to get to the moon, I'm not a forum regular (probably never will be given the abusive attitude of many posts!), but if you just sticky it for everyone to see you are being open and transparent about it and making your own life easier at the same time. p.s. thanks for Tekkit :]
  3. Will do, made a few as I logged off but they didn't seem to work. I assume I have to wrench it in some way..
  4. Hi Guys, Will make it short and sweet. I appear to be affected by a couple of the bugs resolved in Thermal Expansion shown here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57416963/Minecraft/Mods/ThermalExpansion/changelog.txt. The problem is this is for Minecraft 1.5.2, and Tekkit is obviously on 1.5.1 (had a search to see if there were any dev 'builds' and couldn't find any, please point me in the right direction if these exist). Tried installing the fixed ThermalExpansion, but it is dependent on CoFH Core also built on Minecraft 1.5.2 and complains about not supporting 1.5.1 when installing. Any ideas? Also my setup is 5x magmatic engines pumping into a redstone energy cell connected to a series of gold conductive pipes. The pipes stop working after a while (even to machines a few blocks away) and I have to replace them completely before it seems to start working. And when I log off they break again > Thanks in advance
  5. Actually, pretty sure I read it on these forums recently. I'm not trying to spread misinformation, I just happened to have been googling the crap out of several bugs recently and read it in my travels, and have not read anything on the matter otherwise. It seems like a lot of people are talking about it, why don't you sticky a post to address the issue head on? I will edit my post to stop this spread of 'misinformation', apologies.
  6. Hi Simon, Very confusing indeed and a lot of it is due to various major mods not being updated with minecraft releases. First was Tekkit that was renamed Tekkit Classic with all of the major mods like Equivalent Exchange 2, IndustrialCraft2, Buildcraft, etc and supports upto Minecraft 1.2.5. Tekkit Lite was released more recently and supports up to Minecraft 1.4.7 (as mentioned above). And finally we have the new "Tekkit" which of note features galacticraft and does not have IndustrialCraft2 due to a dispute between Tekkit and the IC2 creator. EDIT: This is incorrect , please see CanVox's post below. I would suggest that Tekkit would be the one that is developed further. The question for me was basically IndustrialCraft2 vs. galacticraft.
  7. Here you go -
  8. Hi Guys, A bit stuck trying to get my refinery creating oil on stock tekkit. - The refinery is full of oil (it is buildcraft oil but seems to work, i couldn't find the portable oil extractor in NEI and the recipes I saw didn't seem to work). - It flickers between status type: idle and ready and tries to automatically make oil but stops - It is being powered via gold conductive pipes connected from the top of the machine that is connected about 15 blocks away from a wooden conductive pipe connected to 5x combustion engines full of lava. Any ideas? All of the youtube videos I've seen use coal generators but can't see it in NEI..
  9. Thanks, this was just the way I stumbled upon the fix, didn't occur to me that the change was already deployed in a dev build.Do I need to update my server for this as well, and can you point me in the right direction if so? Thanks.. I haven't gotten into space yet so I haven't run into this!
  10. Hi Guys, Just spent several hours tearing hair out trying to get an Oxygen Collector working so I could fill up my tanks and therefore not die in space.. turns out there is a bug in the version of Galacticraft that was released with Tekkit that causes Oxygen Collectors to not work on some servers. If this sounds like your problem then do the following: 1. Stop your server 2. Remove the galacticraft .jar file from your 'coremods' folder (copy it somewhere as a backup) 3. Would also suggest backing up your world folder, e.g. copy/paste and rename to world-backup 4. Download the galacticraft build 186 jar from the following link and paste it in your coremods folder - http://ci.micdoodle8.com/job/Galacticraft/186/ (this is the last galacticraft build that works with the stable version of minecraft, there are "higher builds" available but they will not work with 1.5.1 5. Start your server! If this saves at least 1 person from the pain and anguish i suffered, then this post was worthy Cheers
  11. Hi RedAssasain53, there is a bug in the version of Galacticraft that was released with Tekkit that causes Oxygen Collectors to not work on some servers. If this sounds like your problem then do the following: 1. Stop your server 2. Remove the galacticraft .jar file from your 'coremods' folder (copy it somewhere as a backup) 3. Would also suggest backing up your world folder, e.g. copy/paste and rename to world-backup 4. Download the galacticraft build 186 jar from the following link and paste it in your coremods folder - http://ci.micdoodle8.com/job/Galacticraft/186/ (this is the last galacticraft build that works with the stable version of minecraft, there are "higher builds" available but they will not work with 1.5.1 5. Start your server! extremedonkey
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