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Posts posted by BAILEY16

  1. I had a closer look at the Mod list, the ones not available for 1.6.x are: CoFH Core (btw, what other mod requires this?), Custom LAN Ports (I think this one is one of the less important ones), Asgard Shield (+ Addons), Harken Skythe, Legend Gear, OffLawn, Xeno's Reliquary, and Hexxit Gear.

    So, either those are updated, too, or they would have to be removed.

    Many key items there D: Some l33t coders should update these mods asap, cause I see no future for Hexxit without these items :(

    But then again - I'd hate to see Hexxit stuck like Tekkit Classic. And if there needs to be sacrifices - then so be it.


    Oh look, I found out that Xeno's Reliquary has been taken over and updated to 1.6.4 :)http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2237899-v111-reliquary/

  2. Hey man, any idea how to get rid of chocopedias from hexxit?

    ive been looking thru configs, but im not seeing it the id number anywhere (5743 for me)

    yea, it rapidly crashed my server 3 different times today. I tired to find a command thread, in the

    crash files, but the players were different on each crash. locations were diffrnt on each crash.

    it just crashed, when someone attempted to rightclick a chocopedia.

    ive gone thru lots of configs, I cant find how it enters into hexxit.

    the only thing I can think of is to use item restric to remove from world.?.

    I'd use TekkitCustomizer - works fine with hexxit.

  3. So I'm sorry for not updating the thread in a while, but unfortunately I have bad news. There is a huge duplication glitch in TinkersConstruct's items which I will not mention how to do it, but there are plenty of people who know about it and they aren't afraid of abusing it. Currently, not even big servers have managed to fix this bug, but I found a pretty easy solution to this and I'll update shortly. For the time being.. Banning TinkersConstruct is the easy way out.

  4. Is the better dungeons still valid with 1.07?

    I'm having more problems with Battletowers spawning very close to each other and overloading the servers RAM. Do you have a solution for that other than trying to increase distance between them?

    On my current server they are spawning within 50 blocks sometimes despite the distance being 850 in the config.

    EDIT: on my 1.0.7 Server I now banned the following items because they crash the Server.

    Enderbow - Still not fixed

    Box (Artifice mod) - Crashes server with the following message every time a box is filled

    Description: Exception in server tick loop
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/lwjgl/input/Keyboard
        at shukaro.artifice.item.BoxCraftingHandler.onCrafting(BoxCraftingHandler.java:28)

    I think I fixed the exact problem you had with the BoxCraftingHandler issue by disabling all custom colored workbenches. The battletower issue has never occurred to me, perhaps you should try using TerrainControl generation to make it work, however it would disable the battletower golem on top of all towers, which might ruin the idea of a battletower :(

  5. One small question. I just set up MCPC+ and installed (well, attempted to install) TekkitCustomizer. BUT, on restarting my server, I get this:

    2013-09-23 09:07:13 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining file TekkitCustomizer.jar for potential mods
    2013-09-23 09:07:13 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] The mod container TekkitCustomizer.jar appears to be missing an mcmod.info file
    2013-09-23 09:07:14 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file TekkitCustomizer.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.

    And it never generates the config file. Am I doing something wrong?

    You are putting TekkitCustomizer.jar in your .mods folder. It is supposed to go into the .plugin folder.

  6. The following items have been unbanned and patched:

    - 6410:*:Destruction Catalyst:Bypasses protection [uNBANNED]

    - 6411:*:Emperor's Chalice:Puts water in spawn [uNBANNED]

    - 6319:*:Frying Pans:Griefs spawn. [uNBANNED]

    - 6085:*:Meteror Summoner:Griefs spawn [uNBANNED]

    - 6409:7:BusterBag:Banned due to griefing protected areas [uNBANNED]

    - 6409:6:BusterBag:Banned due to griefing protected areas [uNBANNED]

  7. you are keeping this up to date right? so this will have all the things that are broken and stuff will disappear off here when its fixed?

    Yes, I am keeping this up to date, as I run my own server and will report all bugs encountered :)

    Nice work mate! greatly appriciated.

    Thank you kind sir!

    My server is getting a ton of errors about a skeleton in the wrong place. ???

    If it doesn't affect your server performance, it should be okay. If it does, try using a plugin such as WorldGuard to /halt-activity for a while to despawn the skeletons. Then /halt-activity -c once you're ready to enable the skeletons again.

    This deserves a sticky as it really helped me get things started.

    Glad to hear it helped :)

    Great guide to get you started. Thanks!!!

    You're welcome mate :)

  8. Welcome to the ultimate setting up a Hexxit server guide.

    This guide requires you to have at least the basics already set up.

    Before we begin, I want you to install MCPC+ to your server.

    Install MCPC+ to your server by going to HERE and downloading a build for 1.5.2.

    - Rename it to Hexxit.jar and replace it with your current Hexxit.jar file.

    -- Restart your server!


    Now that you've got that, you can add plugins just like a normal server. I will not cover adding plugins and getting them to work etc, but it works just like it does in vanilla Minecraft.





    Below is a list of items / mods which crash the server.


    EnderBow (6109)

    Molten Buckets (6289)

    - Chocopedia (5743)

    - Box (5513)







    Spectral mobs

    - Sorting tree


    Color explanations:


    Dark red: Instantly crashes the server.

    Orange: Crashes the server after a delay.

    Gold: Only affects certain servers or when spam clicking.


    Ban items with their ItemId using TekkitCustomizer.

    Disable mods by removing their .jar from the Mods / CoreMods folder.

    - Special instructions for this section listed below.


    Disabling BetterDungeons:
    Go to your "Chocolate" folder in the server files, find DungeonConfig and download it.
    - Edit all the "biomeName.prop" file's "spawn chance" to "0".
    -- The BetterDungeons mod crashes the server.

    Disabling Spectral Mobs:
    - Browse into your server's "config" map, find "forge.cfg" and download it.
    -- Find "B:removeErroringEntities=false" and "B:removeErroringTileEntities=false"
    --- Set them both to true.




    Below is a list of items which bypass spawn protection.



    Star Stone

    Modded doors

    Bushes (TinkersConstruct)

    Non-vanilla heads

    Armor stand

    Molten buckets

    Trophies (Hydra etc)

    Frying pans




    Rift Blade

    Buster Magazine (Hunters Handgun)


    Meteor Summoner

    Chest Transporter

    Super Tool (Creative mode servers only)

    Log turner

    Crumble horn

    Destruction Catalyst

    Magic powder

    Chisel (TinkersConstruct)

    Emperor's Chalice

    Sojourner's Staff

    .prop files (BetterDungeons + Creative servers only)

    Micro blocks (Hacksaw)


    Color explanations:


    Orange: Annoying, but minor griefs.

    Red: Very dangerous items. Huge griefs.


    Ban items with their ItemId using TekkitCustomizer.

    - Remember to actually protect the spawn from normal griefs using a protection plugin from Bukkit.




    Hexxit glitches, listed below:



    - Bag

    - Storage Crater

    - Tool forge (Including the slab version of the block)

    - Stencil table (Including the slab version of the block)

    - Capsules

    - Pattern chest (Including the slab version of the block)

    - Part builder (Including the slab version of the block)

    - Crafting station



    Tinker's Construct

    Essence Extractor


    Color explanations:


    Red: Very bad.. very.

    Orange: Acceptable, not good.


    Ban items with their ItemId using TekkitCustomizer.

    - Disable mods by removing their .jar from the Mods / CoreMods folder.




    Instructions to fix people spawn killing in protected areas:

    1] Get these plugins: WorldeditWorldguardWorldguard Custom Flags & WG Region Effects.
    - Put them in your plugins directory and restart your server.

    2] Do //Wand, select two positions around your spawn.
    - Do //expand vertical
    -- Type /region define spawn.

    3] Set up some basic flags using /region flag spawn <flag> <allow/deny>
    - For a basic list of flags just do /region flag spawn listflags
    -- I suggest you turning "invincible" to allow.

    4] The dark staff and some grenades can bybass the invincible flag though.
    - Use /region flag spawn effects damage_resistance 127
    -- Everyone in spawn will now get Resistance 127 and can not be harmed.



    Items to consider:

    The Enchantment+ Mod.
    - Is it really fair that people can enchant their stuff to GOD-SWORDS and kill all the newbies?
    -- To disable, in the "eplus" config find "B:useMod=true" and set it to false.

    TinkersConstruct's Rapiers.
    - Rapiers IGNORE armor, which I personally think is very unfair.
    -- Disable them using TekkitCustomizer

    3] Consider hooks
    - Yes, they're fun toys, but in the end they will probably only be used for trolling.
    -- Disable them using TekkitCustomizer




    Okay  :) Now you've done everything for the best experience of your users. Remember to build a fantastic spawn and add fun plugins to the server, and write some rules for a better user experience. If you want a griefing server, you should try out Factions, if you like it more PvE, try Towny! You should create a website for your server, which is easy done trough Enjin, and add it to a server list for more users. Set up Votifier and GAListener to give your users stuff for voting. Just don't give them a stack of hexical diamonds only for voting, people will get tired of voting once they have a few stacks. Good luck with your server!

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