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Everything posted by Chinboogie

  1. Minecraft username Chinboogie --- What playstyle do you prefer? (Building, PVP, Faction Warfare, Exploration, etc.) Building and exploration (dd dungeons are fun to do) also don't mind helping other people by explaining stuff to them. --- Tell us about yourself Age: 17 almost 18 Country: Netherlands and got a LOT of free time for a while now.
  2. In-Game Name : Chinboogie Age and Global Location?: 17 Netherlands Have you ever been banned before?: not as far as I know. Why do you play SMP?: It is boring being alone all the time You know this is a member application right?: wait what am I doing? How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since the time pumpkins where added. (may 2010) How did you find us? : This forum What's your favorite color?: Green Will you please make an account on our Website? : Depends whether or not I will need it at some point. Anything else you want to add?: I am most of the time not much of a talker
  3. ign: Chinboogie age:17
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