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Everything posted by ToxicBacon16

  1. i sort of made those my self and that was my stuff but since in not being let back on in the for see able furture tell them my base is at -295 -833. they can have what they want. i had fun while i was on. its a nice server and that was my friends little bother who stole the stuff. my friend has been at my other friends cottage since thursday
  2. i didn't steal anything and i i supposedly did evidence would be nice and if it was toxic donut who stole stuff i had no part. ban him not me. cause i liked this server
  3. why did i get deranked im back to guset rank. Please help
  4. i have guest beside my name on the server. not sure why i do, can it be fixed , and i cant use any commands like /home. please help. do i need to be white listed again or something. i also cant break any blocks at the moment not sure if its lag or i dont have permissions to.
  5. im filling out an application for my best friend. if that is ok. In game name: ToxicDonut08 Age: 14 Location: Southern Ontario, Canada He would like to join because he wants a good server to play on with me. Also he would like to have admins and mods that will help with any problems. he also wants to have players that are not theifs or griefers. His experiance with minecraft: hes been playing minecraft for 2 years and most of it has been with the mods. he has created pvp maps and automated machines. i hope that he will be aloud to join me in the community
  6. In game name: ToxicBacon16 Age: 14 Location: Southern Ontario, Canada i would like to join because i am looking for a good server with not a massive amount of people and that i can trust. Also i would like to have admins and mods that are actually playing and that will help me with any problems that may occur. i also want to have friendly players that are not theifs or griefers. i have been playing minecraft for 2 years and most of it has been with the mods in big dig. i have created my own pvp maps and cities. Also i have made many automated machines and devices in bid dig and other mod packs. i have also been an admin on an other server. i hope that i will be aloud into this community
  7. there is still a bug on the big dig server. it keeps resetting peoples items and position every time you log in and out. you can duplicate items just by logging in and out

  8. pax is the server down right now. cause of that bug with logging in and out
  9. pax there is a mssive bug that I found. not sure if its just for me but when ever I log in and then log out my stuff gets reset and I can basically dupe my stuff. im destroying my stuff ehrn I spawn. but others might be duplicating there stuff.

  10. i got banned from bigdig please unban me i dont know what i did. i will fix what ever i did

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