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Everything posted by DoodTheDud

  1. Ah! That explains a lot, since there is a config folder inside the jar folder and outside it as well. Thanks for helping me get a better grasp of what's going on. Should this jar folder contain the correct config folder or should the config folder for tekkit be outside the jar folder? I'll delete all the unnecessary stuff when I get back to my desktop that has my ftp client on it.
  2. To elaborate, all of the Tekkit information is in a directory called jar in the ftp area thingy. stickypistons.co told me to make this folder and put the tekkit.jar and 2 of the folders in there(mods and config folders). I put all of the folders in it (mods, config, buildcraft, craftscripts, plugins, redpower). I'm wondering if the other folders needed to be elsewhere. Currently the following folders exist OUTSIDE this "jar" folder: buildcraft, config, mods, plugins, world, world_nether, world_the_end And thank you, I will try this when I get back to my desktop.
  3. This is indeed what I did, at the hoster's suggestion (unless I misunderstood, which isn't unlikely). Should I delete everything unrelated to Tekkit then? I figured it wouldn't use stuff it didn't need to use. Again, I'm new to all of this, so please bear with me. Thank you :)
  4. What appears to be misconfiigured? I'm new to this stuff and I'd like details to help me clear things up with the server hosters, as we've been talking about setting up my server for Tekkit for 3 days now via SUpport Tickets. Thanks for your help and reply, regardless! :)
  5. Hello, I am running a tekkit server for friends by using stickypiston.co to host it. I now have the server running off the Tekkit.jar, but I think there are Java issues. How do I resolve java issues that happen to a hosting company's server? http://pastebin.com/Kqs8Gxxp
  6. Much appreciated.
  7. Alternatively, is there a place on this website that I missed that shows what mods provide what? I'm new to Tekkit, please bear with me.
  8. I would like to know a few things about the Tekkit mods. I've been playing on a server that has ALL of tekkit, and there are a few things I'd like to remove for my own server, but I don't know how. 1. I heard there is a dupe glitch with a "crafting table 2". How do I remove this item/mod? 2. The unique sounds are great, but they get old and loud quickly in multiplayer while using Ventrilo. How do I disable them without pressing f7 every time I log in? 3. What mod shows every item in the game when you open your inventory? Can it be disabled or toggled to show certain things? (like remove all the partial blocks obtained from the handsaw, or turn off everything unobtainable in Survival, like monster spawners and spawn eggs) Thank you for your time.
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