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Trippy Clock

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Everything posted by Trippy Clock

  1. IGN: Ep152 AGE: 16 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: Not that I remember! WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT?: I've been playing Minecraft for such a long time! At this point the vanilla game just isn't enough. I love tekkit because there are so many more ways to be creative and to build communities. WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY?: I can hopefully bring more ways for people to have fun on the server. I will trade with other players, invite them to my giant black castle of doom to see my 'inventions' and hopefully make some friends along the way.
  2. InGameName: Ep152 About me: Hello! I am 15, living in Canada and love astronomy(so you may see my building an observatory if I get into the server). I've played on a few different Tekkit servers in the past so I am very experienced. I can be on whenever I'm not at school/with friends/doing homework. Location: Ontario, Canada Why Tekkitia?: A few months ago I was very active on another small, friendly server but unfortunately it got shut down because the owners couldn't afford to keep it up. I was disappointed for a while and thought I would never find such a tight knit community for Tekkit. After revisiting some Yogscast tekkit videos I got in a Tekkit mood and decided to look for more servers and stumbled upon this one! It seems to be exactly what I've been longing for since my last server shut down. Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed?: I do!
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