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About uzumi

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Grass (2/9)



  1. i am glad i could be of assistance, also you can make a script (advanced) to make the server use more then 1 core of your cpu, as its coded currently in java it only uses 1 core no matter if you have 1,2 or 16, the highest we got it with my servers is 2 cores of 6ghz on both also make sure you have hyper threading on on your cpu, speed of ram also matter more then quantity in-case you were un aware of this. and i am glad you could learn something from how i have done things :)
  2. just a heads up the dynmap surface is only about 20% rendered and thus looks very ugly, a simple /dynmap render all, will fix this also you will run out of cpu power way before you will crash due to low ram, my server only has 2gb of ram and easily holds 32 people but we got better cpu's with over drive (this is not to gloat or be harsh, just general feedback) other then that this looks like a well setup server and its creator (you mad85x i presume) obviously has basic knowledge of this. looking forward to see how your server will do in the future
  3. No so far we haven't had any disputes, but if we didn't have that in the rules that the user agrees to, we would be forced by law to repay any ammount donated to us if a dispute was opened, so its purely to secure us in a legal matter, as for our shop its fully automatic, the admins or staff doesnt have anything to do with it once its set up as its all part of the Enjin website shop system, but at this moment there isnt a shop for EdgeTek, so if you donate its purely a donation and not a purchase
  4. make a hole in the roof, this is a bukkit glitch that got fixed in late beta
  5. Open the port in your router then head to www.cmyip.com and give that IP to your friends (they cant use your local ip) if they still cant connect you havent opened the port. there is only 2 things to this and if the IP is correct the port is the problem or vise versa, if you still cant get it to work PM me for more personal help
  6. It is still very supported as they build bukkit so it will work with the their permissions plugin. Also Plugins Edge-Tek uses Coreprotect (doesnt work) EnjinMinecraftplugin (works) Essentials (works) Essentialsspawn (works) LagMeter (works) Lockette (doesnt work as it should) Permissionsbukkit (works) SimplePrefix (works via config file, not ingame commands) WorldEdit and worldguard (works ok ish)
  7. Id reccommend BukkitPermissions 2.0 it works perfectly fine and will allways be up to date as bukkit doesnt break it as its their plugin. Also any news on creeper nerf? i have block dmg set to false in essentials and worldguard but still nothing
  8. Telanis my pack is built off TekkitLite
  9. Telanis i couldnt find the problem with the server folder you provided, i removed all coremods mods and plugins configs and it still wouldnt create the nether so it must be a jar problem http://www.sendspace.com/file/2n62go that is my current modded server setup, just replace all configs and mods / coremods with the one you want to use and hopefully it should work
  10. could you take a picture of your server folder layout and upload it somewhere and post the link here? also a pastebin of your forgeloader log would be nice
  11. 1, you need multiverse portals for players to hop in and out of your worlds, if not they need to use the command /mv tp name world 2, the nether and end map is called world_the_end and world_nether and is located in the first folder of your server, next to mods/plugins/world etc 3, Overworld is the default name of a regular world overworld, nether, the end, flatmap etc 4, Bukkitforge is in a very buggy state atm, create your world without bukkitforge then add it afterwards, you will just have to wait til he fixes these issues with bukkitforge and it gets several updates everyday so it shouldnt be too long
  12. Server Info IP: edgetek.eoemc.com UpTime: 24/7 Whitelist App URL:http://www.eoemc.com/etekwapp Custom zip: http://www.eoemc.com/edgetekinstallation (because it changes with each update) Description After having a semi vanilla pve server for allmost 2 years we thought it was about time to expand into new servers and so we did, We started out with a regular tekkit server but were annoyed at the lack of updates it recieved so we set out to create our own modpack and launcher, shortly after the custom-pack feature of technic launched and we dropped our launcher idea pretty fast and within hours we had a fully functioning modpack for our server which got the name EdgeTek. The server is a part of the Edge of Eternity community, at this moment we have 3 servers with ideas and planning of a fourth, To gain access to our server you must be white-listed which you can at the URL under server info. Rules No griefing Respect other players Respect all Admins/Mods/Reps No spamming the chat Respect the buildings of others No advertising other servers Do not steal Opening PayPal disputes won't help as you paid as a DONATION ( Towards a cause, free service, person. ) PayPal closes disputes on the spot as they know your payment was filed under this server. Falsely claiming to be part of staff, and/or impersonating a staff member will result in a ban. Images Mods Rei's Minimap Provides a tiny map in the corner of your screen to see the surrounding area from a birds eye view, as well as allowing you to place waypoints, which will lock to your current position and will be visible on your screen no matter what distance you are from it. Inventory Tweaks Gives easy inventory organization. Will sort your on-hand items with a keystroke as well as replace your tools when they break (If you have another in your inventory). Not Enough Items The successor to marglyph's Too Many Items, this mod displays help pages in your inventory screen to show you haw to craft/brew/smelt any item you select. Buildcraft Buildcraft adds pipes, engines, quarries, and all kinds of machines to automate your Minecraft experience. Additional Pipes An addon to Buildcraft which gives you the ability to teleport supplies like the output of your quarry or the Oil from your Pumps! Logistic Pipes An addon to Buildcraft offering more automation including remote requesting, automatic crafting and more! ComputerCraft ComputerCraft adds the ability to create mini computers and robots in game, such as turtles that will mine for you! Ender Storage Similar to the Vanilla Ender Chest, however the Ender Chests in this mod gives players the ability to share inventorys with other players with an innovative colour coding on chests and is shared throughout the server. Forestry Provides the ability to automate the farming of the vanilla plantations and those added by the mod. Industrial Craft 2 Arguably the most expansive multiplayer mod out there. Industrial Craft 2 adds a new electricity system, machines, armor, weapons, tools, ores, and much more! IC2 Nuclear Control Nuclear Control addon allows you to build efficient monitoring and notification system for your nuclear reactor. Thermal Expansion This mod is similar to IndustrialCraft2 by supplying the ability to automate systems and adding plenty of new machines! Compact Solars ...It lets you make more compact solar panels... Iron Chest Adds many new chests to the game with varying capacity. Modular Force Field System It adds IC1 style force fields back to Industrial Craft 2. GraviSuite IC2 Addon Adds an entire new tier of gear that requires an enormous amount of resources to create... But they grant the user insane power. Advanced Machines Adds more effective machines that process materials faster. Redpower Adds more lighting and wiring mechanics to redstone. Railcraft Adds lots of new features to minecart tracks. Steve's Carts Adds lots of new minecarts that do various things. Misc Peripherals This mod adds mechanics and other machines to the other mods to give the possibility to create more complex machines! Wireless Redstone Just guess. ExtraBiomesXL Adds new biomes to minecraft ranging from tundras to savannas. Omnitools Adds various tools to work on different machines. Major Plugins PermissionsBukkit Essentials LogBlock Lockette
  13. just to contribute to this, Permissions bukkit works perfectly, so does simple prefix (small issue ingame but not a major, configs still works) bugs i have to report is any teleport command kinda glitches out and teleports us around or below spawn
  14. i found it to be very simple in making a custom mod pack, although i made one from cratch using the tekkit lite jars (will make our own soon) if you wish to see the full zip it can be downloaded here http://www.eoemc.com/mainforum/page/1/m/3214761/viewthread/5514385-for-modded-server-custom-mod-pack-instructions-info to give you guys an example of a full mod pack all these mods where selected by hand and put together by us, this is a completely different version from tekkit or tekkit lite and has all the up to date mods THIS IS FOR TEACHING PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT MENT AS AN ADVERTISEMENT AS THE CLIENT PACK WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT OUR SERVER PACK WHICH I AM NOT POSTING HERE
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