In Game Name: Tealke5232
Age: 15
Country/Timezone: USA (California)
How good is your English?: Perfect
Any previous experience as staff : once, for a minecraft server , forgot same , doubt its still up, was mod
Why you want to be Staff: i want to be staff so that i can support other players while playing the game
Why we should choose you (In 50 words): You should choose me sense i am an experienced player, im great at building large redstone projects, kind to others, im great at designing Large buildings or works of art.
Time you can spend on server and how long you have been playing: 3 weeks on this server, 4-6 hours a day
Have you been banned before? If so, why?: No
Can anyone vouch for you to be a good staff member? If so, please list their usernames.: Kickking Sam_Hen Ember_Spear
Are there any other ways to contact you: Cell phone ( will tell when excepted) and Email ( also will tell if excepted)