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Everything posted by shaftm

  1. You said you were 17 in another post of yours http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/3-1-2-icraft-tekkit-pve-economy-100-open-iconomy-simpleclans-griefprevention-staff-needed.26224/page-3#post-239951 DENIED & Permabanned for griefing! BUSTED!
  2. Oh yeah. Cool server imo. untouched lands to be used! :D
  3. Time you can spend on server and how long you have been playing: I can play a few hours per day on average. I've been playing on this server for about 2 weeks now. Have you been banned before? If so, why?: I have never been banned before. Sorry I didn't finish that before, thought I finished typing it and was leaving the house so I posted!
  4. In Game Name: shaftm Age: 24 Country/Timezone: PST How good is your English?: I'm a native speaker. Any previous experience as staff (server names, if they are still up): I used to run a server for friends to play on. Plenty of worldediting and permissions setting. Why you want to be Staff: For the betterment of the community. I'm usually pretty helpful and would be of use to keep the server cool. Why we should choose you (In 50 words): I play a LOT. Don't want to see this cool server get messed up by troublemakers. I'd also like to do what I can to make fun events and item giveaways (using legit resources of course ) Time you can spend on server and how long you have been playing: I can play a few hours per day on average. I've Have you been banned before? If so, why?: No Can anyone vouch for you to be a good staff member? If so, please list their usernames.: Edgenx Are there any other ways to contact you (Don't post Skype/MSN/other relevant information here, we have a private forum for this kind of information, if you are accepted.): I use skype, and could get on the teamspeak server.
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