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About vvds444

  • Birthday 06/29/1995

vvds444's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. New Modlist, and yes, we've got Thermal expansion 3 ! Agriculture Additional Pipes Additional Stones Advanced Machines Advanced Power Management Applied Energistics Atomic Science Backpack Barrels Better Anvil BiblioCraft BiblioCraft Woods Extra Bees/Trees Biomes O' Plenty Buildcraft 3 Buildcraft Addon Carpenter's Blocks Chicken Chunks Chisel CodeChickenCore CoFHCore Compact Solars Compact Windmills ComputerCraft Craft Heraldry DynamicLights EnderStorage EnhancedCore Enhanced Portals ExtraCells ExtraUtils Flatsigns Forestry IC2 Nuclear Control IndustrialCraft 2 Infernal Mobs Inventory Tweaks IronChests Modular Force Field System MineChem Minefactory Reloaded MiscPeripherals NEI NEIAddons NEIPlugins Nether Ores ObsidiPlates OpenBlocks OpenPeripherals Project Red Project Zulu Railcraft Recipear Ropes+ StargateTech 2 Steve's Carts Thaumcraft 4 ThaumicTinkerer Thermal Expansion 3 Traincraft Twilight Forest Balkans Weapons Wireless Redstone XACT Zan's Minimap
  2. im so sad that there are only 10 people online these days... this server deserves more.
  3. We've got a brand new creative world for you guys to play with, come show us your building skils combined with the thousands of new blocks you get with our modpack! creative world temporarily closed but expected soon again!
  4. join now, or force me to sing "star trekkin acros the universe" for 9 hours!
  5. today we updated with some brand new mods, large reactors and redstone in motion, an redpower frames/airship making super mod! http://www.evolutionrd.net/vb/content.php?223-EvoRedux-1.5.2-v2
  6. nope, could be that you tried to connect exactly when a restart happened? or something minecraft-ish in general went wrong.
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