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About psumatt25

  • Birthday 08/01/1989

psumatt25's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Add me on skype psumatt65
  2. Also, a world just for dungeons so the map never runs out!
  3. SkiDs remove chocolate as well generate the map then spawn better dungeons in yourself easy fix for less crashing and less client crashes when bds appear for players
  4. So I read the crash report and with a little in game research and noticed that shift clicking a shield vs a hydra when it does it fireball attack will crash the server. And this happened with any and all shields. http://pastebin.com/XYgHUxsb I was wondering if anyone knows a fix for this? Also using the most up to date mcpc+
  5. Do you have skype I can walk you through what I had to do
  6. hammersley is correct this error is caused by not enough memory
  7. Have you messed with any of the mods or mod.cfg?
  8. TO me it looks like someone went into the mods and try to delete the so on so item id's located in the mods.cfg. They just need to replace the mods on the mismatch and everything should work
  9. This is caused from when people use a shield and shift click while the hydra is doing it's special attack. It an issue involving mcpc+ and the shield mod. I had to disable shields on my server due to not being able to find a afix
  10. Also make sure you dedicate aleast 3gb of ram!
  11. Add me on skype if you want ill walk you through some issues-psumatt65
  12. BetterDungeons which is what you are spawning can tend to crash server for Block Flow or Block Entity did you update your files to the 1.0.1
  13. Hmm, with only 2gb of ram expect some lag being that better dungeons and also battle tower casue alot of entity's on the ground also alot of mobs spawn per chunk. If it's to the point of which you can't play if you give me a few I will write a tutorial on easy steps to help with major lag.
  14. Well forge essentials comes with it's own plugins. Perms/Essentials etc I would do a little research before just popping it on there. But, it's really easy to learn
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