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Everything posted by golddigger

  1. IGN:XBudderXBananaX Age:14 Why Hellix:Dont like laggy servers always crash What are you going/like to do:build stuff and adventure Banned?:nope always follow rules Something about yourself:banana!!!!!!
  2. hey its me i got a new account so can u add XBudderXBananaX its my new one =)
  3. can u ban my account it got hacked so ill get a new 1 later
  4. i have a problem i try connecting to your server it worked fine before but it suddenly keeps on saying cant reach server
  5. thank u for adding me ill see u on the server soon =)
  6. in game name: golddigger5647 location: united states minecraft experience: know up to date vinnila ,tekket classic , voidswrath, and yog craft. paragraph: i played many none white list servers but always didnt like them because i always get killed or grieffed and most has too much lag and the players were not very nice to each other. some times i help other players but got stab in the back and every building i make always get destroyed i hope i get to join ur server it would be nice if we get along. anything else you think we should know: im a guy who loves to try new things i do not kill with out reason helps others and like to have fun=)
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