- Minecraft Name: Fordman01
- Tekkit Classic Experience: I know basically everything there is to know about Tekkit Classic.
- Age: 15
- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: A LONG TIME. Like 5 weeks about
- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?: I would like to play on this server because I always end up getting griefed on those so called "No griefing/raiding Servers". I also would like to be a part of a small, nice server.
- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?: Yes I have.( I also have my own server)
- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: I would tell the people involved to stop and wait for an admin. Then I would come and post it on this forum to try and alert admins. Then when the admins got onto the server, I would tell them what I thought of the "flame war."
- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?: I would Apologize and tell the admin my side of the story and then accept the consequences of my actions.