IGN: mega_power11
Age: 13
Location: USA
Am I currently banned from any servers: No, and I never have been
Minecraft Experience to date: Since Beta 1.7 Tekkit Main: Ever since the release. Pretty handy with vanilla, okay with redstone. I catch on to just about anything quite easily.
A short paragraph on why I want to play on your server:
Mainly to help others, as this is what I do best. Mental or physical I want to help you! In game, I love to go on mining expeditions and I know not many people like to spend hours digging, but I do! I love to set up RedNet systems, as this increases the use of simple redstone devices. I love to find better, easier and more efficient ways of doing things. I'm not really a builder, so I came to this server in search of a partner that loves to build. I have gotten terribly lonely playing single-player Tekkit, and feel separated from the rest of the people that like to play Tekkit. So I would like to join your server because I want a mature group of people that will help me, let me help them, and that love to play Tekkit!