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Everything posted by MegaPower

  1. Ok then! Joining you right about... now xD (Can't connect. Bad server internet connection?)
  2. Try Re-Downloading your tekkit files, and then re-connect
  3. ►IGN: mega_power11 ►Age: 13 ►Time Zone: Central Time (U.S.) ►Time usually on: 7-10 pm ►What is geocaching : An amazing, worldwide clue hunt. So much fun doing this!!! Now introduced to Minecraft! ►Language: English and Pig Latin ►Why you should accept me into your server: I love to tinker, adventure, and make new friends! I am totally mature and respect other's creations. I love to help other people that need it. I can catch on to new things very quickly. Adieu. (farewell)
  4. IGN: mega_power11 Age: 13 Location: USA Am I currently banned from any servers: No, and I never have been Minecraft Experience to date: Since Beta 1.7 Tekkit Main: Ever since the release. Pretty handy with vanilla, okay with redstone. I catch on to just about anything quite easily. A short paragraph on why I want to play on your server: Mainly to help others, as this is what I do best. Mental or physical I want to help you! In game, I love to go on mining expeditions and I know not many people like to spend hours digging, but I do! I love to set up RedNet systems, as this increases the use of simple redstone devices. I love to find better, easier and more efficient ways of doing things. I'm not really a builder, so I came to this server in search of a partner that loves to build. I have gotten terribly lonely playing single-player Tekkit, and feel separated from the rest of the people that like to play Tekkit. So I would like to join your server because I want a mature group of people that will help me, let me help them, and that love to play Tekkit!
  5. Ok now how do i delete this thread?
  6. Ok i guess i had to post something for it to work lol
  7. My launcher will not launch any of the packs! I tried re-downloading the launcher and it wont even connect to minecraft.net to verify my account and it will not download the packs that im try ing to play. The packs are these: Hexxit, Tekkitmain
  8. wait... account migration FTW

  9. im the same age as the person hosting the server, but yes you probably are looking for older members. I would like to join your server none the less, but as i said before i dont have a skype.
  10. I need some help with connecting my Launcher to Minecraft.net D:

  11. Oh yeah, im not allowed to get a skype D:
  12. no im on a desktop i have one but i have no idea how it will sound on the other end i guess ill have to see huh?
  13. Mainly bc i dont own a good Headset. im trying to find one that doesnt cost a million $
  14. Hey PM me the IP and ill be happy to join you i dont have a skype btw
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