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Posts posted by PsychoBob

  1. What is counterproductive is to have the same game have two nearly completely separate code bases for different platforms instead of unifying them.

    I'd think seperate code bases would be a requirement, as Minecraft runs in Java, but the Xbox runs C++. Just give em timeto update it. The only reason it's not is because it'd be a pain in the ass to rewrite a ton of code every time Minecraft updated. Think of the trouble modders go through to update mods, only instead of mods, it's the game itself.

  2. Not to mention it's an old old oooold build, so you'd have to rewrite every damn mod for the old version in a new language and somehow get it to run past Microsoft's security.

    The only reason its on that version is because it was there when they started. Kinda...counterproductive to start the game design from scratch everytime it updates.

  3. Interstingly enough, I have a server based on magic versus technology...Waiting for tekkit to update, sooooo, if your still in need of a server, i could talk with the owner.

    Granted, once Tekkit DOES update, the server may be used traditionally, but we could schedule down times for recording.

    Current max size is 20, and hosted by beastnode.

    Oh, just saw you have a server. Well, nvm on that then..

  4. Just an update Akabane contacted me via IRC and got the author of EE X3n0pob3 to tell me that technic used his mod illegally which is as valid as it gets. He still hasn't proved that the yogbox is illegal yet so hey that is something.

    And kakermix contacted me on skype, tell me he eats puppies! What a bad guy!

    Yea....dont waste our time by making stuff up. Get some proof to back it up first.

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