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Everything posted by thrillrider78
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thrill-craft.servegame.com join that and also make an application on the Thrill-craft forum post please as this server has been put under my management
thrill-craft.servegame.com this works for me
look in first server post for correct ip sorry
p.s. the ip to it is definitely now
Theassemblydude sure no problems im setting up ranks with my friends but you can join and make a good and secure base and ill check it out
server is down?
thrill-craft.servegame.com is the new ip i moved it to
congratz to the server. i have upgraded the ram
welcome kaleb7070 to the admins p.s. he contacted me on skype, my skype is: thrillrider78
YES please do that and only op certian people like me and tix and dont keep deopping us!
its really sad its closed i want it to be back up as team lixo griefed it but i know thier usernames and i have an idea on how to stop them from being able to grief us plz skype asap
ok and do you have a skype i can contact you on or do you have teamspeak so i can talk to you about what it takes to be a mod as you will only be a jnrmod not a full mod which means you get same commands as full mod but not kick and ban and other stuff like that
and im not whitelisted my ign is thrillrider78
server ip = server rules = 1. no killing anyone that doesn't have iron+ Armour 2. no spawn killing 3. must declare in chat that they are under attack(eg. eggman is under attack by poopyman) 4. dont beg for items from admins aswell as op 5. no killing people if they are not in iron+ armour and dont have a weapon or dont attack you first 6. no griefing 7. NO RAIDING I always wanted a tekkit server but never knew how to port forward it but then i founf out and ive been playing on it ever since the expected uptime of the server will be 24/7 the current people on the server are not many but they are really nice apart from a few who have been punished but other than that theres a pretty good community and if you ask for an item someone will most likely give it to you there is a teamspeak server aswell : i expect you to be on this server when you are on the tekkit server but you dont have to greylist application to be admin / mod IGN: AGE: What do you want to be: Why do you want to be a (admin/mod)(need to apply for mod first): Do you have any experiance as a mod/staff on other server: Are you a Good builder: if so add some photos of your builds! i am looking for a spawn designer aswell as a server helper to help get plugins wroking as everytime i try to get it to work the server lags like crazy event though i have alot of ram
and do you skype as i really want to make you co-owner of my server
my ign is thrillrider78 i would like to join a good server and i would be happy to host a free teamspeak 3 server for this server and make you a full admin on it so u have full perms and i want to run a brother server to those who want to be able to have staff on usually
New server-no Griefing-No PVP-survival- good admins
thrillrider78 replied to matt salter's topic in Tekkit Lite Servers
the server is now whitelisted due to a grief so if you want to join please apply here -
i whitelisted it for my friends only so shut the fuck up you dick and Double.s your grief was useless as i had a backup so ha eat shit arsewips
the server is back up i was just having a few bug issues with it so have fun lilbird08
uncool saker me going /autokick saker277 5times
im a stupid newbie stupid admins