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Everything posted by thrillrider78

  1. hey ill join but i cant atm as my gaming laptop is in repair
  2. and from now on DO NOT POST saying you know about groupmanager and stuff as were using a recoded version of groupmanager specially designed for tekkit lite which i coded
  3. hey can i join IGN: thrillrider78 AGE:15 Skype: Thrillrider78
  4. >[0.6.5] Unified-Networks| thrill-craft [No Whitelist][No Banned Items][griefprevention] - Tekkit Lite Servers - Technic Forums
  5. IGN: thrillrider78 Age: 16 Reason: well im just sick of playing on my own server with no1 or joining other servers and getting spawn killed
  6. and Mr.Slick Sure you can help build spawn but i have it good atm and i just randomly built things as i was bored but i plan on making mystcraft warps to the teams worlds and i will be addin factions and mcmmo and each faction will have 2 ages, one to live in and one to mine in or pump oil depends what kind of age you want and what you plan on selling to get money (hint, fuel sells for alot if you sell it to me privately)
  7. Server is back up from maintanance and will hopefully stay up for players to join
  8. just restart your client and sure you can build some stuff at spawn but you will have to wait until its the weekends here for me as im super busy at school atm so hope to see you in 3 days maybe less
  9. Accepted and by another staff member that would be me as i am your boss, im the head-admin im the boss of all admins and head-mods and mods i will get spazotron to whitelist you asap
  10. the new server is as his server has crashed
  11. check out our website out at http://unified-networks.enjin.com/ the server ip is Thrill-Craft Bio We have a nice friendly community and we are always looking for new players from all across the world to join us. This server is based in brisbane, AUS. Be respectful and follow the rules and everyone will have a great time. Server Features Essentials allow teleports and warps to make traveling around the world easy and convenient. Access to a resource world, building rules does not apply there. Grief protection is built into the server. Claimed land is untouchable by others unless you give them permission. See plug-ins for more info. A ranking system is in place to prevent players from getting into trouble before they get settled in. Each rank allows more items to be accessed and used and are gained by playing on the server and showing dedication to a peaceful and pleasant server environment. Ranks are explained below. A server shop that buys and sells items to make is easy to get what you need to finish your projects. Death does not cause items to drop in the over-world; you still lose experience when you die. Dying in the nether or the end will still cause you to drop items. Admins and Mods Admins are here to help and manage the server, and settle any disputes. Please listen to them and respect their commands. Thrilrider78l is the final authority on disputes and if he bans you the admins cant unban you. Admins are currently: Looking for them Server Owner: Thrillrider78 Plug-in(s) Grief-prevention (http://dev.bukkit.or...ief-prevention/) Essentials (http://ess.khhq.net/...mmand_Reference) GroupMangager (http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Downloads) Vault lockette simplebroadcast Rules for minecraft server Spam Spam is anything that is repeated without meaningful change or providing value to the chat. Repeatedly asking for items or for help is spam. Spamming chat will result in a mute. Insults Insults to people or places, including outside of Thrill-Craft, will be treated as spam. Insulting other players solves no problems, if you have a problem with another player talk to a mod or admin. Attacking the players or staff in chat or whispers will not be tolerated and will result in a mute or banning depending on the severity. Foul Language Thrill-Craft maintains an all age’s server. Please keep your global chats to polite and respectful conversations. Cussing or other offensive talk will result in a mute or temp ban. Griefing, Stealing and Animal Killing Thrill-Craft is a PvE server, and we do not allow griefing. Breaking blocks or changing them with items bypassing protection will result in a ban. Taking other players items or kill their livestock is not allowed. Any blocks or items in a claimed area are off limits to anyone not trusted by the claim owner. Exploits All players are encouraged to report any exploits and how they work when found. Players found using the exploits and not reporting will be treated as griefers and banned. Thrill-Craft is a survival server and all players must make their items legitimately. Quarries Quarries are not allowed in the over-world. Players found placing them will be banned from using, making, or even holding a quarry. Building Rules Large Projects Try to build in an area where your projects will have room to grow. Claim all your land early; if you think you need extra claim blocks ask a mod or admin. Be prepared to show why you should get extra blocks faster than the other players. Don’t crowd other players. Home Abandonment​ If you plan on packing up and moving to a new area or just want a fresh start, ask an admin/mod to reset your area. If you have a work of art or other addition to the server we will admin claim it and let you have your claim blocks back. A 14 day limit for claims owned by players not logged in has been put into place, after that time claims may be cleared if they are not built up. Make it look nice We try to keep the server looking nice, please helps us keep it that way. Buildings should not look like cobble stone boxes. Lazy-man construction will be asked to be fixed or removed. Consider adding a fence and some flower or windows to your projects to add beauty to the server. Working with others When working with other players, be nice, be helpful, be smart. With grief prevention you can allow others to build or have access to your claims. If a dispute occurs, the owner of the claim will generally be the person the admins side with, exceptions can be made if evidence is provided. Ranks New Member: Allowed most items from mods. Given to all players. This rank is temp while we decide if you can be trusted with the full functionality of mods. (Full) Member: This rank allows almost all items from the different mods to be built and used. To achieve this rank you must be promoted by a mod that feels you will be a benefit to our community. Do not ask multiple times to be promoted, you risk being muted. Server Links Server E-mail [email protected]
  12. and im planning on creating a server and i was wondering if i could call it neencraft and make you the owner of it its just i have plugins installed on it and have a website on it aswell so skype me if you allow me to and yes you will be op and have the OWNER rank and i will have the HEAD_ADMIN rank and still be op and still whitelisted and you can whitelist people but they do not become op like you and me
  13. servers down mate and if you have skype skype me at :thrillrider78
  14. well my skype is thrillrider78 ill join could i be head-admin and is there any plugins
  15. in future dont post a hexxit server listing in the tekkit lite servers forum and read this forum post to avoid trouble from staff '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  16. hey can i know if im able to join or not?
  17. hey can i join IGN: thrillrider78 age: 15 country: australia,brisbane skype: private message me if you want it? reason i really hate joining big server that any1 can join as they always annoy me for making complex structures and not allowing them to live with me
  18. IGN: thrillrider78 Age:15 Do you have any admin/building epic things experience:yes i like to make massive castles What Good would you be to the server: i would help moderate the server and get rid of all rudeness Are you good at building:yes
  19. im not whitelisted?
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