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About aidancav123

  • Birthday 07/16/1997

aidancav123's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: aidancav17 Age: 16, Seventeen at July 16th Why are you looking to join this server?: Well, i really have nothing to do except for building pretty neat structures on tekkit and i'm bored, And I have ALL summer to build through so I don't want to be that bored, building EVERY day for a few months What can you bring to the server?: I hope to bring joy to myself and others to the server, as lots of people say I'm really cooperative Tell me about your play style?: I have been playing the cracked minecraft version since 2009 and i bought it on 2010 and I love buildings, and simply enjoy minecraft or tekkit to the limit Tell me a bit about yourself?: I spend most of my days building structures, citys and villages but I got bored of all that, I downloaded Tekkit Lite nearly jumping off my seat at every creeper explosion to my ME terminals or Beautiful Structures (If i say so myself) and I am bored playing Single Player, I tried RC-Tekkit Lite, but I didn't feel the same, as the map world was so crowded and no where to build neat homes So I got on a quest to find a low player server, and I hope this is that server, Thanks for reading, and I hope you accept :I
  2. I'd love if you invite me to your crew, Age: 16 Maturity: Good, by that I mean I don't make them mum jokes.... IGN: aidancav17 i Don't have Skype, as I hope this'll not effect my application, thanks
  3. Looking to join a play through of tekkit lite or hexxit

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