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Mack Taylor

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Everything posted by Mack Taylor

  1. IGN: warlordbme Experience with Hexxit: Very little, I've used it for only about a week. Experience with plugins: I have used worldedit and worldguard many times, on my own servers Age(optional): 15 (Birthday is June 13th, 1998) Past experience being staff: I have been moderator on a few different servers (all shut down now, save for one of them, which I had to quit on), and I own my server (whitelisted, only for friends) Why should I pick you?(long answer): I will on the server at least once a day, normally for a few hours on weekends, and I have experience with rule breaking players from my past servers, so I can assist in rooting out cheaters. I am also a very calm man, I don't get upset and I try my best to keep peace on the server, while also helping out the players that need my assistance. I have some experience with some of the servers plugins (Bukkit commands, WorldGuard, WorldEdit, Heroes) from the server I used to host, so I can always help out any players that are confused with certain commands. I can help enforce the rules of the server and prevent griefers and hackers from ruining the server for others. I am very patient with other players, and I have good grammar. This is also the only server I ever play on, so I will be spending a lot of time on the server, which is always a plus. With all that said, I have made mistakes in the past, like every other person in the world. But I would hope you could look past the past grievances, and look at what I can offer for the server.
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