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Everything posted by MtnDre

  1. n Game Name:ThunderGalaxy Age:14 Country/Timezone:Eastern Standard Time. USA. America. How good is your English?:EXCELLENT! Any previous experience as staff (server names, if they are still up):3 times on 3 different servers No I don't remember the names. Why you want to be Staff:I have not been staff more than 3 times before on 3 different servers. I just like to help out. Why we should choose you (In 50 words):I am a great staff member when it comes down to the ends. I can build. Craft and do almost anything. I can create many things with redpower. I will protect the spawn and other people as long as I get respect. Time you can spend on server and how long you have been playing:3 hours a day. I've played for over 4 years. Have you been banned before? If so, why?:For grief before when I was about 10. Can anyone vouch for you to be a good staff member? If so, please list their usernames.:Spirit0wolf, and FruitNasty Are there any other ways to contact you: YES
  2. I will help build I'm 16 years of age. IGN: ThunderGalaxy Reason: I am a very nice person. Real Reason: I've never been admin since I was about 10.
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