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Posts posted by SimpleGuy

  1. Hi,

    In light of your convincing, verbose, concise, and clear argument, the team has decided that when it updates to 1.4.6 and beyond that in fact EE2 will continue to be included along with some old DOS games, Babbage's Analytical Engine, and a duck.

    No need to thank us. We thank you!

  2. Sorry to burn you out, but you don't have to literally be a nuclear engineer to know that, a simple interest in nuclear science is enough to know about it. ;)

    I wasn't saying only nookies learnt it, only that as a nookie it's one of the first things explained to us. ;)

  3. So I'm going to assume all of you have no idea what that is.

    Sorry to bum you out, but it's one of the first things we learned about as a nuclear engineer, and our university plasters the blue glow picture everywhere (it's the login background on our uni computers all over campus). With our reactor you literally can look down into the open pool of water and see the blue glow, and its glow intensifies proportionally to the amount of power being generated.

  4. I was wondering on Technicpack.net and I found a program called wolfrar it's a extinction to computercraft I made a virus called rabies

    Should you add it or not.

    Edit: dammit tapatalk not deleting my previous post. Getting used to this app sucks.

  5. I was wondering on Minecraftforum.net and I found a mod called wolf OS it's a extinction to computercraft I made a program call wolfrar

    Should you add it or not.

  6. Mojang could just as easily require a login based on a SHA-3 hashing scheme where the application layer uses the username + password combination to generate a unique credential (if Mojang just wanted to encrypt vs hash they could just as easily use something like the AES). It is an industry standard, no passwords are kept by the program and none are transmitted directly over the network (as only the hash generated is transmitted).

    But of course that requires good programming practice and familiarity with cryptographic algorithms (the latter Mojang definitely doesn't have, the former is debatable).

    Back on topic, OP I'm sorry to hear your experiences with Slowpoke have been less than pleasant and that his team has been letting your expectations down. However, it's one thing to say "my expectations were let down" and use a bunch of "I" statements to express your dissatisfaction, and a totally different thing to make claims that the other person/group is a bunch of mindless monkeys smacking a keyboard:

    I said I'd explain why the word "team" was in quotations. Simply put, they aren't a team. Their coordination and cooperation among them is an absolute disgrace. Their entire teamspeak is in disarray. There is absolutely no communication between any of them.

    As for their so called "developers" ... What have they developed? A website? It's a single page. A grade 9 student can do that, yet he has nearly 10 people on his "Web Dev Team." The forums were either bought, or donated. Even the launcher itself is based heavily off of MultiMC.

    First paragraph: This especially hits close to home around here, because similar statements have been targeted at the Technic Team with people acting like they know how the Technic Team operates. Teamspeak and IRC are not the only forms of communication. In short, just because you have hung out with some of them in some modes of communication doesn't necessarily mean you're privy to all communication (unless, of course you can provide proof)

    Second paragraph: Interactive web pages are a pain to code (it feels like herding goats trying to make CSS3 and HTML5 and whatever ECMAscript version being used work together) so mentioning a ninth grader versus ten people on a web dev team seems like a personal attack, which isn't doing you nor your argument any good.

    No proof is provided for your "bought or donated" clause. In general, forum software has been written and no one is going to waste their time re-writing the same software from scratch.

    The MultiMC statement has either been dispelled or verified before (can't remember which) but it still stands that they've put forth some developmental effort that does not always manifest visually to the user.

    In short, I can see why your thread was deleted. I really wanted to lock this thread, but as it's brought about a (so far) positive discussion on whats-ok and what-is-not-ok to say I'm leaving this untouched.

  7. Let's keep Slowpoke out of a discussion on XYCraft. And if anyone is misinformed of opinions, you are more than welcome to respectfully provide counter evidence without violating any of our rules.

    EDIT: That being said XYCraft looks amazing.

  8. The main problem with Minecraft is that it is nearly completely hardcoded. If it were designed as a game engine with essentially the same built-in hooks Forge or Bukkit provided then it would be extremely flexible as vanilla would be a branch of modular code added to the engine (which could then be easily altered by mods, or added in addition to, etc).

    EDIT: So even a complete re-write in Java could perhaps add to flexibility if done correctly. As to speed, I think it is unanimous that TileEntity ticks are one of the main bottlenecks so speeding that portion of code may not require a language-shift if done smartly.

  9. How u do it?

    (i've been tryin for weeks)

    Mow the neighbor's lawn for $26.95. Takes less than a week (less than a day!) and gets you premium.

    At one week to gain $26.95 (which is assuming you get multiplayer too - but you don't so you're actually gaining less than this!), assuming you're trying a solid 2 hours for seven days - that's 14 hours.

    Congrats, you're working for $1.93 an hour, you lazy bum! (And that's a liberal estimate).

  10. I enjoy Tekkit way more then FTB but as it seems now Tekkit won't be able to install any good mod due lack of permissions...

    All mods currently in Tekkit have permissions to be in Tekkit. The Technic Team just doesn't cater to demands to "show proof" and whore out their private relationships & dealings with modders to the cancerous whiny demanding zombie masses with an entitlement complex.

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