Well last night something happened in my house, i dunno what but looks like an explosion of some kind, couple of my exterior walls were gone and i cannot tell if the explosion came from outside or inside but something bad happened in the very core of my base, that is to say all my storage is gone. Somehow the explosion got all the way there and I lost like 95% of my resources, including all my most precious stuff like diamonds metals and so on... I cannot tell what happened, in my base there was nothing that could explode, i use steam engines for power so they cannot blow up ( they just stop if something bad happens ). What i noticed is that inside of my base there was a drop in framerate, i was replacing all buildcraft pipes with my new ME system but without my resources i cannot fix this anymore.
Any help?
Is it possible to have a rollback of some sort?
edit: i have replaced broken walls with cobblestone in order to leave the evidence of the explosion