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Posts posted by Emby93


    Sigh... You're 21, you came onto my server, you then acted inappropriately to kids who are a 3rd of your age, at which point you thought that due to your age you had a right to say what you wanted. You are more of a child then the children who are playing on my server. Feel free to "bash" my server as much as you like, it does not change the fact that you came on, you were rude, you were disrespectful, and you were removed. Any further post by you will just continue showing your immaturity that we had the "pleasure" of seeing earlier. Enjoy your stay on someone elses server.





    Why Would You Like To Join: I've been wanting to get back into playing with mods, a small whitelisted server sounds just perfect for that.

    How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT: Quite a bit, I used to play frequently.

    What Mod Are You Best At: I have decent knowledge in most of the mods, I don't think any particularly stand out

    Skype: Angelfish0089


    I added you on skype ^_^ i'll give you the ip when you accept :P

  3. Hey guys, I'm hosting a small private server for me and a few other people, and i would like to add more to the few we have :) I'm a simple to please person, the only real thing i ask for is not to see people fighting. No, this does not mean no-pvp.. it just means being mature. If someone doesn't want to do the pvp, then don't kill them needlessly. Really common stuff i seek, just a little maturity :)

    Heres the application form~





    Why Would You Like To Join:

    How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT:

    What Mod Are You Best At:





    Just so you know, my main contact will be through skype. if you -really- want to convince me, you can contact me on skype rather than put an app in.


    Ticklethypickle is my skype name, so feel free to contact me through it.


    Just a little added extra, i would prefer players over the age of 16, however, i will not turn down anyone younger if you impress me. :)

  4. Alright :/ its a shame there's so much lag that has been going on on this server. I know once the old world gets deleted at least some of that lag will be gone :D Also thanks for the very quick response, it's nice to know the mods and admins are always lurking on the forums lol. Make sure to post again if the server comes back up!

    we deleted the old world, but it seems something went amiss and now its crashing pretty much the instant we put it up ^^; sorry for the inconvenience!

  5. I dont know if this is just me, but ever since around 2-3 P.M today I haven't been able to connect to the server. It just keep saying "Can't Reach Server" and sometimes "Communication Error". I'm not sure if you guys are working on the server, like deleting the old world, sorting out lag, and other things, or if there is a problem on my end. If it is from me, can someone please help me out on what to do? Thank you


                                                                                                                 - [Survivor] Blism :)

    seems a few people were having problems connecting, but at that time the server was working fine, but at this time the server is acting up and we arn't sure whats causing it, so.. the server might not be up tonight unless it sorts itself out :s

  6. Now this is getting ridiculous.

    It's been what? A week?


    The thing's STILL saying it'll be deleted in a few days. Last I checked, a few days was three, maybe four. Not seven. I'm considering finding another server now, since it's still causing problems that are making this unfun.


    i'm going to state this ; we arn't forcing anyone to stay.


    Secondly, we are well aware of the old world causing problems, we were being fair to those who can't be on every single day to have a chance to move their things. I'll be having penguin delete the old world today if he comes back on.

  7. I just want to give props to Emby93 because I think they've been the most dedicated mod to this server with the forums for trying to help people when the server is down or if there is anything somebody has question about. Thanks Emby93, mods like you give me reasons to stay on the server :)

    Wow! thank you so much for saying that! I just don't want us to lose our awesome player base, i know how annoying it is to see the crashes.. :kratos:

  8. I hope I decide to stick with this server but I've already lost a base to grief, Another base to rollback, around 4 stacks of iron, 2 stacks of diamonds, A pulveriser, A redstone furnace. All of that to rollback ['Cept the First Base] . I will stick around put please decrease the time till the next save, Because alot of people spam bunnies or lag, Or just one person does it. Yesterday we managed to survive 3 crashes because NOBODY SPAMMED *Gasp! , Thanks to an Mod stopping it early by just Shhh'ing everyone. Or installing a plugin that Slows down the time till you can say something again like wait 5 Seconds.


    I like this server cause it has a small community and is just starting up, at least for this modpack, and I like it being PVE so I don't have to worry about trading with ppl or my base being raided before I have anything!


    And I like being heard by admins when I need help, Or Moderators. 

    Just to save you some worry, we got rid of one of the biggest grief mods that was causing most of the griefing problems.


    with that said, i understand how you feel about constantly losing something in the resets. We are doing the best to try to figure out how to stop the crashes, we have some ideas, but they are still being discussed before being mentioned. The problem with decreasing the server save time is every save causes the server to spike, we all know that, it even states that itll lag for a moment as its saving, a faster save = more common spikes, more common spikes = more complications for the server, most of the time when it crashes, its due to multiple complications at once, and the server can't handle it, so speeding up the save will make things worse, sadly. As much as I hate to say it. :(


    I do have to say this ; thank you very much for sticking to us through all the iffy moments, it means the world to me, all the mods, and the server owner himself. Having great support just motivates us even more to figure out how to better the server!!

  9. No, the server has already crashed at that point, they just like to explain the obvious.

     actually, spamming makes it harder for the server to fix itself out, because its recieving massive input, it is why when i say dont spam, it's for more than just myself.


    that said, you shouldn't be spamming in the first place, and if the server comes up right after, i'll mute you for 5 minutes afterwords, because it's just not enjoyable for anyone, and it doesn't help. <3

  10. Alright, i'm not sure if i'm the only one, but i truly hate the limited space we have for chests in this modpack, so for my own modpack i added iron chests 2




    This makes it so you can "evolve" single chests into bigger chests, iron chests = the equivalence of a double chest, while only taking up one space. I found this very useful since we have so many different items from the mods, it makes it easier for sorting. :)


    A thing to note ; you can place the upgraded chests next to eachother without them merging, making it where you can have 2+ next to eachother full of different things without a problem! :D

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