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About ipodjbmaster

  • Birthday 11/17/1988

ipodjbmaster's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. I would also like to state I have helped the server out quite a bit, I have helped YoCole with his recent issue of fixing a dupe glitch for the server, I have also provided much information to players in chat! (Yes, the moderators didn't answer the questions because they are selfish jerks; except for MrMcBurger) I do not want to have to wait 4 days for something I did NOT do, being accused of exploits and I have seen these mods do the same thing OVER and OVER again, they shoot first and ask questions later. This is absolutely ridiculous, fix this issue.
  2. I would like to state that I have been recently banned by a few nonintellectual mods who are incapable of comprehending what a exploit is, for 4 days. So today MrMcBurger [Mod] informed me that he was in need of obsidian, so I found an amazing way of gathering tons of obsidian using redstone and the Tomb of Alkahest, so I was rolling in the cash, and helping out MrMcBurger with building his gigantic secure base, so in the middle of the process of me making more obsidian, two moderators, one was Spartacus, and the other I never got the chance to see explained to me I was exploiting, first of all. These idiots banned me right after without a proper explanation. Second of all. There is NO SPECIFIED rule ANYWHERE located on the server where it says I cannot create obsidian with the Tomb of Alkahest. Third of all. They DID NOT give me a 1st warning, they banned me instantly for 4 DAYS, without any explanation on how it was an exploit. These mods are in abuse of they're power, they are incapable of using they're powers correctly and I think they should be punished for it. I for one am not going to deal with this non-sensible foolishness and if I do have to, it's not going to be fun or easy for anyone. Please unban me, and please find something to do with those weak minded baboons.
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