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Everything posted by xjefafax
generic if u ever read this , can u teleport me away from where i am atm , because evrytime i login the server goes down
look when i try 2 get online there is people playing but when i finnaly login i crash, i asked hardias 2 go near ure house ''highshootownn'' and server went down , maybe u used 2 much chunck laoders or something i dont know and few weeks ago when someone right klicked a dim anchor the server restarted so it might be a block or something in or near ur house
well i login and 2 min after boom server gone im near someones house
does anyone know why or ?
i just logged in and boom server went down...
the server is down
gereneric can u replace my character because evrytime i login the server goes down , and im near high / raven their houses
rave u knew its mine and u grief , i hope u get bann for griefing
i dont want peace with u , and if i get banned so let it be .. gen decides anyway
i dont trust high but he is acting like he is the good guy , but he is not
stop being a ass licker please , sorry i sayd that but u and ur friend pieltrek are jerks , i gave u my ts and u come say bad shit on it and then i move away from loffredo's town and u follow me i tought there whas a rule that u shouldent anoy other players and dont build 2 close 2 them and anoy them like a jerk , and thats what u doing sinds u play with ure friend pieltrek so ye. and no i dont wanne be friends with u anymore thats why u are on ignore on the server
stop trying 2 be nice , the server crashes when i fly near ure house so ye... and sinds i logged out last time near ravens his little sqaure base that is 2 blocks away from ure house... the server keeps going down and i cannot do /spawn or what so ever
generic tag should move my charecter 2 spawn or check whats wrong around highshootownns his place
i sayd that, if u get near high his house boom server goes down and i logged out there last time evrytime i login the server goes ''QQ BYE'' and i forgot 2 reclaim my railway cant remember all my old claims
he will fix it , he stole it so ye.... and grieifing = bann
i dunno if the server goes ofline for other people but for me it does atleast
well evrytime i login the server crashes aperently.... and im near highshootownns his house
i login and server goes down, great
and why is server still down... and u deserve a ban for griefing peoples stuff !!!!
so raven u griefed my railway ... wtf is wrong with u ? u better fix it