This sounds impossible, but I would like to report a grief and request a mod to be banned from this server.
When I came on the server, I was already having a bad day. this was beginning to blow over, though, and I was having some fun. User jbhoop204 is a user I already was having trouble with. Ever since I gave him permission to my land, since we were MC friends, minor griefing and stealing was going on. I cannot prove this, nor am I 100% sure this is true. anyway, I removed his permissions from my land.
This is not the reason behind my post (more of a backstory).Later on, jbhoop204 flys by with his airship, and he lands on top of my cobblestone place when I ask him to come down, snce he dropped an item. When he tries to fly away, his ship cathes pretty much my entire structure and machines. The shio must have not been able to handle this, because it stopped. However, I mined away tor attached cobble and he flew and reattached his ship, since vertical travel is apparently impossible. The ship then caught the walls to my base, my machines, and part of my smeltery and tried to fly away. before we could do anything else, entities are cleared, which usually means dropped items. however, this deleted the airship with all my stuff.
The worst part? I protected this land the entire time. Grief was supposed to not happen, but it did.
So, although it was an accident, jbhoop caused major grief to my place and used an exploit to circumvent pluggins.
Moreover, if people can do this knd of catastrophic damagve with a flimsy airship, then I believe something needs to be done, even if that involves banning the mod from the server.
Lastly, I would like the materials for the following spawned back in a chest for replacement, which is just what I want and not what I lost:
magma crucible
redstone furnace
three leadstone energy cells
circuit fabricator
advanced solar panel
approximatly 30 liquiducts (Optional. I can make more)
the calculations below are likely false, but they will have less materials than more than what i lost, although the amount of charcoal is a very rough estimate. calculations assume nothing was inside the inventories, which I don't remember.
15 lead
24 copper
12 gold
40 redstone
12 iron
20 charcoal to recover energy and re-create certain components
The reason I prefer the materials rather than the items is because I will be rebuilding immediatly