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About UltimateKane99

  • Birthday 10/28/1989

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. No, not stupid. Yes, you are correct, those extra wires are part of Electric Expansion. It was taken out, likely because UE mods apparently don't have any release engineers, so they've released several half-complete versions of their mods. I haven't found a working, solid, 1.5X version of Electric Expansion yet.
  2. Ouch. First and foremost, making your own modpack is NOT supported by Voltz. It's its own modpack, and extra complications from your modpack can cause problems with Voltz stability as a whole. That said, I'd look up Youtube videos on making your own modpacks, as well as review the requirements listed on the mod's website(s). There's a lot that cover set up and configuration of mods, including what versions of each mod are compatible with what version of Minecraft. You should be able to resolve most of the problems through some research into required resources and known conflicts. Also, look at some modpacks that have both of those already installed. What are their configuration files set up as? Also, the stuff that you are looking at is not simple materials. You WILL need to understand how to use configuration files and and how to resolve block id conflicts. Finally, if you have a specific error, I suggest adding it to pastebin so that we can look into it further.
  3. If you can pastebin the error, that would be helpful. Also, are you crashing when you try to load a world, or just when you launch voltz, before you even get to the main screen?
  4. I've had a lot of fun with 1.1.4. I personally really like it. There are some bugs (I've crashed my server with EMP and some other missiles), but it's seemed great for the most part.
  5. Update: I may have found a way to update the world's of 1.1.4 Voltz to vanilla 2.0.0 Voltz as well, if that's also interesting. Using the Block IDs, you can "change" the existing items to a different item, and this can remove non-existing blocks from the world (might have extra dirt, but otherwise...)
  6. No problem, and good luck with your design! Also, the tutorial is an overkill design, by the way. It puts out more energy than an infinite battery. XD
  7. Ouch. Sorry, man, but I've got some bad news for you. Fusion reactors work because the Electromagnet block will cause adjacent water blocks around them (above and to the side, and either source or flowing water) to "boil", which the turbine picks up during the block update, and then spins as a result. However, Electromagnetic glass does not cause the water to boil (this is by design, from what I can tell)), which means that the electromagnetic glass you have on the sides won't spin the turbine. You'll need to replace that Electromagnetic Glass with Electromagnets to get it to work properly. Also, since you're on fusion reactors, you might want to check out this tutorial video. Has an extremely overpowered fusion reactor design, if you're interested. :)
  8. Hello, I'm a relatively new server owner, but experienced programmer. I've been looking through some of the materials, and have found that the Voltz 2.0.0, while updating to most of the latest materials, also removes so much of the modpack that it almost seems like a different modpack altogether. However, I had been playing on my Voltz server with my friends for a few months now, and had started developing my own "update" to the Voltz framework. I have been using mIDAs Gold (no, I did not make it. Code is here) to update the Block and Item IDs in my World to the new 1.5.2 Block IDs (i.e., the block ID of Tin Ore in Voltz 1.1.4 is 3970:1, in Universal Electricity for 1.5.2 it is 3971), as well as adding in other Universal Electricity mods (Biotech, Minechem, and Complex Machines). So far, I've gotten everything working (all mods that were in Voltz 1.1.4 are now booting up and integrated properly with my 1.5.2 server and clients), but there are a lot of bugs that I'm still hammering out. Would anybody be interested in this "patch" to update their existing worlds to 1.5.2 using updated Block IDs and already included mods? That said, I have found issues with a lot of Calclavia's and DarkGuardsman's additions to mods. It seems like some of them aren't even functional anymore. Electric Expansion had a bunch of work done, but switch wires don't appear to function anymore, nor wires of different materials (copper and silver don't appear to connect properly). Similarly, as far as I can tell, Fluid Mechanics for 1.5.2 is completely broken in all versions. If you guys are interested in this "patch", I could use some help figuring out which versions of these mods are the most stable in 1.5.2. "Better is the enemy of good", as they say, and I'm hoping I can fix/touch up some of these materials to make a "good" Voltz for those who liked Voltz the way it was, and would like to keep that Voltz and their worlds in post-1.4.7 Minecraft. I will include a link to the patch to use with mIDas Gold, in addition to a 1.5.2 server and client version if people are interested. Permission would be obtained if there was interest. At the moment, it's just a personal project, so it wasn't necessary.
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